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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 20 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Show me anything that says this is on Nintendo and Sony devices. It's not happening. Microsoft will release a typical $400-$500 console as usual and a stream box for probably $130 with a controller. They'll also have this on phones and likely Samsung TV's as well as they're partnered.


    Your head is in the clouds, no pun intended.

    Even if it's not on Switch initially or ever.  The fact that everyone can now play the full XB1 games on every other system means MS is officially 3rd party now. 


    Less reason to purchase Xbox1 hardware :blessed:

  2. 3 hours ago, Remij_ said:



    Buy that shit sheep.  Godly series.  The first one is also the Super Turbo Championship Edition with extra content over the original.  Guac 2 will come later in the year.




    Guac 1 championship edition was on the Wiiu as well. 


    Will be picking up Guac 2 for sure though. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    @DynamiteCop! @Goukosan get this shit back on topic or I'm going to clean it up.  Thanks.

    Are you trying to mod and moderator created thread? lol :monocle:


    Anyways... the first party content is tied to the streaming service.   The service will be more valuable with a steady stream of AAA content... which comes back to the conversation DynamiteCop and myself are having about first party content and studios of MS. 


    MS needs to beef up the first party output for this service to be enticing for consumers that are not currently part of the Xbox ecosystem. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I didn't say that, but from 2019 on expect a steady stream of AAA games. Also them announcing acquisitions doesn't mean they're starting from ground zero. 

    based on what? Hopes and Dreams? :Jeff:


    You're in for a world of disappointment if you think MS first party will Surpass Nintendo's anytime soon.  


    MS has a lot work to do in order to Catch Nintendo and Sony when it comes to First Party. .


    Acquiring the studios was step one. 


    Actually delivering on the AAA content is another story..... lets wait and see what they come up with. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you forget that Microsoft has six new studios? Did you forget that Halo Infinite is nearing development completion? That Gears 5 is nearing development completion? That Crackdown 3 has been delayed because Sumo Digital wants to make sure it lives up to the first game? Did you forget it only took Ninja Theory two years to develop Hellblade with 15 people and 15 million dollars? They now have over 100 people and a huge budget. Did you forget that Playground games is deep in development on their RPG?


    Come on dude, Microsoft has more forcasted than Nintendo...

    Wait... you're serious? :sabu:


    You think MS first party will turn around in less than a year from acquiring the studio to releasing AAA blockbuster content? :Jeff:

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    I did...  You can't take it literally.  The "regardless of device or console" means that they are talking about playing TOGETHER... meaning cross system.. regardless of the device they offer it to.  So Xbox and tablets/phones.. Xbox and PCs... PCs and tablets/Phones... PC's and Xbox... and all 3... because they connect to the same platform Xbox Live.


    "Everyone" can own a console... and a phone.. and a PC... It doesn't mean that every PC, Phone, and console will support their streaming.


    Obviously their goal is to have it on the highest amount of devices possible... including PS and Switch... but dude, they don't get to make that decision because those are closed platforms that directly compete with them.

    Of course initially it will be Xbox1, any mobile device and PC. 


    Won't be surprised if it comes to Switch eventually. 


    MS doesn't really have the strongest first party lineup.   Nintendo first party games on Switch will still be fine. 


    Whatever streamed games come will come down the road +  Native 1st and 3rd party games. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    I agree that Nintendo and MS seem to have a bit closer of a relationship, and maybe there's a way that Nintendo and MS could work out specific titles to be available to stream to the platform.  I still don't believe that currently, Nintendo would be too keen to have the entire Xbox library available to their users.  There's a ton of things to consider since it's not an open platform.  Such as whether certain titles would meet Nintendo's ethical standards, whether there would be licencing problems... how 3rd parties would react and how that could affect future Switch releases.. stuff like that.


    Imagine if they supported MS' streaming.. then a multiplat game releases... and people were simply streaming it from MS because the gfx looked better.. or it could stream at 60fps instead of native 30 on the Switch itself.  That wouldn't be good for Nintendo or their partners.  Not to mention, in that scenario... it's more likely that the Switch would be used in that way.  It would turn into an Xbox streaming device for a lot of people.. and then people would just play multiplats by streaming them.  Which seems to work against what I feel Nintendo is working towards.. which is getting more 3rd party support with games that are built specifically for their system.

    You will still need non streamed games for when you're playing Switch in  portable mode with no access to internet. 



    Nintendo already allows streamed games on 3DS and Switch from 3rd parties, they make money of it by getting a cut of the subscription to stream and now you need an additional subscription to even play online with Switch. 


    They could another tier of their subscription for this. 


    With all that said... this won't replace traditional consoles as yet...I believe we have one more Gen before this fully matures to replace consoles. 

  8. Just now, Remij_ said:

    When they say "any device" they actually mean "any open platform"...  Acting as if MS can just throw an app on PS4/5 or Switch/Switch2 and Sony and Nintendo are going to just let that happen... lol no.


    The way they combat this is come with their own services available on all the same devices that MS plans to support.


    Nintendo allows Xbox live account log in on Switch for "play together" with Minecraft.  Yes that's not streaming, but it shows they have no issues with their users using MS accounts on Switch. 


    I agree it won't be on Playstation, that much is a given for obvious reasons. 



  9. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're hoping for way too much and reading those lines literally, it's like "Play Anywhere". You're not actually able to play anywhere..


    This will never be on PlayStation or Nintendo anything, they're all experimenting and implementing their own stream services. This is going to become nothing but another console war but in the cloud.

    It literally shows you playing Xbox1 games on an Android device. 


    Nintendo does not have a competing streaming service, stop pulling shit out your ass. 


    MS and Nintendo already are pushing play together for Minecraft. 


    You already can log into your Xbox live account on Switch. 


    You're correct that we most likely won't see it on Playstation, Sony doesn't even allow play together for Minecraft so they obviously won't allow this as they have their own competing streaming service. 


    You're in denial if you don't think this will be on Switch devices by 2020 :Jeff:

  10. Its official, MS will be going full 3rd party :ooh:


    "Public beta will be available in 2019 and with 54 Azure regions MS wants to deliver a great gaming experience no matter your location or the device you're playing with." 


    Our goal with Project xCloud is to deliver a quality experience for all gamers on all devices that’s consistent with the speed and high-fidelity gamers experience and expect on their PCs and consoles.


    To realize this vision, we know we must make it easy for developers to bring their content to Project xCloud. Developers of the more than 3,000 games available on Xbox One today, and those building the thousands that are coming in the future, will be able to deploy and dramatically scale access to their games across all devices on Project xCloud with no additional work.



    This announcement marks the official death of the lemming faction. 


    R.I.P :deadronda::dead::deadsuge::deader::deadest::dead2:

  11. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    For what? Not sharing a view of absurdity? Guns are not the problem, they never have been. It's a security issue, you can just walk into any school unchecked.


    I value human life but the ridiculous lengths the left goes to to demonize firearms I won't stand for. Their policies are garbage so they default to guns as a means of blame.


    As I said, guns prevent 160,000+ deaths a year from defensive use. 14 people are killed in school shootings a year, do the math. It's not a logical jump.

    Do you stats from a non NRA affiliate to back up your 160,000 + life saved  per year metric? 

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