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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Japan is handheld obsessed, they are a market irregularity. Funny how you had to bring in Japan to make a point lol, a shitty one.


    It's even more shitty how you bring in Japan to reflect on Xbox, another market irregularity. 


    You're a dunce, your cognitive abilities are fucked.


    P.S. The Switch has not sold 2.7 million in the US lol, idiot.


    That was a typo, that's the PS4 us numbers.... post already updated to reflect the correct numbers.... Switch is still ahead.  :cmpunk2:



    Hey Retard... your 11 million for 2018 is a world wide prediction.... last I checked... Japan was part of the world. 


    Would post the European numbers but we don't have that yet .... will have it on a few weeks though :takei:



    Switch and PS4 are neck and neck WW ...... Xbox1 is barely a blimp.... Yet... you think Switch fell off a cliff Worldwide... lmfao. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    If the Switch is still $300 in November (knowing Nintendo it will be) it will underperform both Xbox One and PS4 greatly. December is up in the air, it could go to anyone. 


    You're over selling a console that prematurely ejaculated and exhausted itself. 

    The Switch its so exhausted its outselling Xbox1 and is ahead of PS4 when you combine Japan and US numbers.  


    2018 YTD


    Switch US + Japan = 2.24 + 1.91 = 4.15


    PS4 US + Japan = 2.70 + 1.28 =3.98


    Xbox1 US + Japan = 186 + 0.012= 1.86 


    If the Switch is exhausted then the Xbox is dead and Buried.   :deadest:

  3. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    We've been over this, it's way behind 2017. It's going to finish 2018 behind 2017. 


    "around the same pace"


    You're completely deluded. 

    Its within around the same amount of last year (In the US only) and is projected to have a better Holiday season than last year (Note Holiday Season includes both Thanksgiving and Christmas). 


    I predict you will be wrong for the rest of the year... as per usual.  That much is consistent. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    The Switch is averaging 249,500 sales per month in 2018, the Xbox One is averaging 210,250.


    It's outselling the Xbox One by 18% for 2018, it went from this...




    To leading the Xbox One by 18%, as I said the shit fell off a cliff, I maintain that 100%.






    Switch Fell off a cliff by maintaining the around same pace it had last year :grimaceleft:


  5. 11 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Of course I didn't, I said like 11 million odd sales in 2018, I fully remember and it's on track to do that. 


    Yeah, the Switch is just lighting up the charts outselling the Xbox One by not even 30%, that's a real milestone going from the fastest selling console in history to outselling the Xbox One by not even 30%. Wow.



    Still 6 months left in Nintendo's fiscal year numb nuts... lol.... Wasn't even talking about your 11 million predictions but thanks for reminding me.. lol


    Did you forget that you predicted XB1 to outsell Switch this year? 


    Did you forget that you predicted Scorpio to be the best selling Sku and drive Xbox1 sales to at least win a few NPDs? 


    Did you forget you predicted Tomb Raider to sell well?


    Did you forget you predicted that GOW, Switch etc all fell off a cliff? 


    Every single one of your predictions were wrong.... no wonder you find the NPD threads "boring" :takei:

  6. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Are you that retarded? Well of course you are, this isn't some rolling bet every month idiot. I'm not avoiding them; they're simply of no interest. Do you see me making NPD bets every month or something? No, you're as dumb as a box of rocks. 


    Also way to dodge that PS4 hiding criticism.

    Did you forget your predictions?  or are you just playing dumb? 


    You always make outlandish predictions and then when reality smacks you in your face and proves you wrong... you tuck tail and run. 


    No need to hide behind PS4 when Switch is also outselling Xbox1..... :mickeyj:

  7. 59 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lmao sheep love hiding behind PS4 

    If only they made threads about playing games lmao 


    Let me know how good sales are when I'm playing the best version of goty redemption :reg:


    6 hours ago, Goukosan said:

    So it turns out NPD tracking for Sept includes Forza launch, game did shit for Xbox1 hardware. 


    Sep (9/2-10/6) data - Oct 23rd


    Mario Party launched October 5th and sold more physical copies in two days  than Both Tomb Raider (Launched Sept 14th) and Horizon 4 (Launched Oct 2nd) :mj:



    Unless Tomb Raider did crazy digital numbers game flopped. 


    Horizon 4 probably did great Digital Numbers.... and shit Physical numbers. 


  8. 11 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    I think the sheer amount of people that will sub even just for one month will make up for the "lost sales" rather quickly... because I don't think there was THAT many people on the fence who decided to just sub instead of buy.  There's pretty much a core group they can count on 100%, and then all the people that bought Ultimate Editions and Deluxe...


    Yea, it'll be doing fine, I'm sure.


  9. 34 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    Yeah i know it's sales but I don't get why people are still buying it? it's dead. It has no games. PS4 is just a far better option.


    The fact that this shit still manages a "good 2018" despite being literally one of the worst consoles ever made says there's something wrong with America.

    It's a comparison to itself. 


    Good compared to Xbox's shit 2017 but still bad compared to the competition. 

  10. So it turns out NPD tracking for Sept includes Forza launch, game did shit for Xbox1 hardware. 


    Sep (9/2-10/6) data - Oct 23rd


    Mario Party launched October 5th and sold more physical copies in two days  than Both Tomb Raider (Launched Sept 14th) and Horizon 4 (Launched Oct 2nd) :mj:



    Unless Tomb Raider did crazy digital numbers game flopped. 


    Horizon 4 probably did great Digital Numbers.... and shit Physical numbers. 

  11. Just now, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    I thought it was coming out in December. Then nevermind.


    I think it will easily carry the holidays but missed potential, since there is a huge hungry userbase just waiting to throw money. I think the Switch market could easily eat up another 2 AAA level Nintendo titles.

    the hardware bundle releases Oct   The  Game unlocks in Dec. 


    Pokémon launches in 3 weeks.   Switch and, PS4 will have a monster Holiday. 


    Xbox1 on the  other hand :sabu:

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