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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 5 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    How the hell has xbox had a good 2018?


    Who the hell has been buying a console whose only decent scoring games for the past few years have all had Forza in the title? :|

    He is not referring to good games.  We all know Xbox has no games. 


    He is referring Xbox1 2018 hardware sales have been better than Xbox 2017 hardware up until this point. ( better but still dead last) 


    Xbox September 2018 was worse than its horrible Sept 2017.:sabu:

  2. Hardware Ratio. 


    Switch: 1
    3DS: 0.31
    PS4: 1.63
    XBox: 0.68
    Other: 1


    That works out to be


    PS4: ~425K
    NSW: ~260K
    XB1: ~175K
    3DS: ~81K




    Software (Physical only) 

    Software side (physical only), Spiderman came out as the top selling software by a mile, followed by NBA 2K19 and Super Mario Party.


    Some notes:

    Mario Party is above TR for physical with only 2 days counted.  (TR bombed unless digital was huge).... Digital +Physical rankings will be released on Tues. 


    Insiders Observations. 


    "PS4 hardware is unbelievable really. As I had noted Spidey was pushing a serious amount of hardware out the door and was a legit system seller. Very impressive for a title to be able to accomplish something like that this late in a generation

    Xbox performance is poor. No real way to slice it other than that. Especially disappointing as its had a great 2018 up until this point. Let's hope it can have a strong Holiday

    Told ya'll Super Mario Party is performing VERY strongly"



    another month and DynamiteCop is wrong as per usual. :mickeyj:



    Exclusives still push hardware.  Lemmings denial of this is delusional. 




  3. 4 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Sorry but no.




    That's since 1966, that's 21 deaths a year on average out of the entire 300 million+ US population, 21 a year. More people have been murdered by guns in the time it took me to write this post than mass shootings account for in a full year. 


    In Chicago on average about 590 people are killed a year in shootings, that's 49 people a month, 24.5 people every two weeks. As I said more people are smoked in Chicago in two weeks than mass shootings account for in a full year on average. Two years of shooting homicides in Chicago and you've exceeded 50 years of mass shooting deaths, think about that.


    Mass shootings suck, but they make up an INFINITESIMAL percentage of gun related homicides. No one gives a shit about individual people dying from shootings even though they absolutely eclipse mass shootings by 250-600 times, they care about instance quantity even though its a tiny number of people relative to the whole of victims. 


    It's totally misplaced priorities, give me a fucking break. Virtue signaling out the ass. 




    One of these is a huge fucking issue, the other simply isn't. 



    post a link for your data bro. 


    and you do realize gun related homicides and mass shootings are both gun violence deaths right?  

  4. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Not the X though, which is the point. 


    You morons run to high end PC's which are a tiny minority and disregard lesser to make a point yet disregard the high end Xbox and run to the lesser.


    You're fucking dumb.

    And yet... The majority of PS4 owners and the Majority of PC users are playing a better version than the Base Xbox1. That's the point.   The X is the monitory. 

  5. Lmfao at those useless percentages that DynamiteCop spewed out. 


    DynamiteCop forgot the most important percentage with with Xbox vs PS4 comparison. 


    100% of the PlayStation userbase is playing a better version of the game than over 95% of the entire Xbox userbase. 


    The Scorpio is in minority and the base in the majority of the Xbox users....for some reason the lemmings like to pretend that the Base Xbox1 doesn't exist anymore... lol

  6. Just now, Jon2B said:

    Right on time :D


    34 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Xbox Slaying


    31 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Best Hardware, best services, most diverse 1st party In the gaming business.


    yeah, if that's slaying itself ill take it.


    13 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lmao at even using best selling . Guess you forgot what fh4 scored too .


    12 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Oh look the cow in sheep's clothing , lmao 


    11 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I'll let you figure out why this was a dumb thing to say 


    7 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    You can say I don't play games and lie , just like a typical leftie . I await your leftie friends to come and repeat what you said :D


    6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    All it takes is an Xbox thread for a full forum butthurt meltdown :D




    1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

    Hmm, so everyone directs posts towards me and I can't reply ? Like I said ....my groupies ....like I said :D


    Jennifer's Meltdown indeed :sabu:

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    Unless you're heavy into work over 30, you have a lot of time otherwise. What are you going to do call your friends that are married and changing diapers to go out?

    Watch a movie, TV show, read, go out drinking, party, go on a date, out door activities, Indoor activities :cosby:, sleep, work, work out... etc just to name a few.

    • Like 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Some leftovers/ignored shit from when they sold their shares? As far as I know, Donkey Kong was supposed to be the only IP that Rare/MS couldn't use as the character/IP belong to Nintendo.


    MS did remake Perfect Dark, so why not Goldeneye? 

    Rare developed Golden Eye for Nintendo,  Rare never owned the N64 version of the game. 


    Perfect Dark was an ip that Rare created and was one of the IPs MS acquired when they bought rare. 

  9. 55 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    The copyrights could have easily been bypassed or endorsed with Nintendo's approval, idiots. It's a non-issue. They didn't own Rare anymore and wasn't going to do anything with Goldeneye. Which mean they specifically didn't want it to happen. It's in their rights but it's also a shitty move.


    Activision did release a few Goldeneye games not long after. 



    Yes Activision made Golden eye games..... but they could not remaster the N64 game because Nintendo owned that version of the game. 


    Tell me which platform holder bypasses their own copyright and allow another company to release games on a competitors platform? :interesting:

  10. 8 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Ah yes, I'm sure the core reason Activision didn't release one of the most beloved games of all time is because they were afraid of offending the one platform holder that they weren't releasing games for.  'Cause that makes sense.  Or...OR...now bear with me here, 'cause this is where it gets hairy: OR Nintendo really does own some piece of the original product that makes a remaster legally nonviable. 





    Naaahhhh.  It's totes 'cause they didn't want to hurt Iwata's feewings. :cruise: 

    BbbbBut Teh conspiracy is more believable than the actual copyright for the videogame. :lupe:

  11. 8 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're a fucking idiot who doesn't listen, who doesn't read. That wasn't their actual stake, it was 49%. Rare was trying to find a buyer for Nintendo's stake because they were leading them on with little investment. "50%" is a facetious statement, he's just stating the 49% as half. Microsoft bought 51% from the Stamper brothers, and the remaining 49% from Nintendo. 




    Nintendo bought a 25% stake in the company that gradually increased to 49%, making Rare a second party developer for Nintendo


    Source: Dow Jones 

    Japan's Nintendo sold its 49 percent ownership in U.K. game developer Rare to an undisclosed buyer. As reported earlier this month, Nintendo had planned to sell its Rare stake to Microsoft. A Nintendo representative wasn't immediately available to confirm if the sale was made to Microsoft or to provide financial terms. Microsoft officials also couldn't immediately confirm the sale. 



    Microsoft era

    329px-Rare logo.svg

    2010 Rare logo.

    Up from the end of 2000, people from Activision and Microsoft visited Rare. In November 2001, Microsoft trademarked It's Mr. Pants, a game that was released three years later. In September 2002, the Stamper brothers sold their 51% interest in Rare to Microsoft; following this, Nintendo sold their 49% stake in the company as well. Microsoft paid a total of $375 million for the company.


    In later year's, Nintendo increased their interest in the developer to 49% and gained 38% voting rights on Rare's board. 


    Rare went on the market. Publishers bid on the company. Activision and Microsoft were both interested in acquiring Rare, but it was Microsoft who won out and delivered the asking prices for the developer and Nintendo's 49% stake in it. Nintendo sold all of its shares in Rare, according to insiders, and the studio's second-party status was terminated. 


    Get your head out of your ass moron. You're a sheep and you don't even know what happened with one of Nintendo's biggest second party developers...

    Lmfao.... lets see... you're quoting 3rd party sources that had nothing to do with the deal.


    Im quoting the guy at Microsoft who actually brokered the deal and would know the specifics.... 


    He plainly states what happened and how much percentage Nintendo owned. 


    Ed Fries, the architect of Microsoft Game Studios and the broker of the Rare acquisition - "They were 50 per cent owned by Nintendo and Nintendo had an option to acquire the other half of the company by a certain date. If they didn't exercise that option then Rare had the option to find a buyer for Nintendo's half. 




    lol Dynamiteflop lol

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