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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. When MS bought Rare they thought they got the Donkey Kong IP too :mickeyj:


    According to Chris Seavor, former Rare employee and the director behind Conker's Bad Fur Day, Microsoft executives also thought they'd picked up Donkey Kong as well, since the developer had made classic titles such as Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64.


    Speaking on Twitter, Seavor said a few of the top-brass at Microsoft came for a tour around the studios and upon seeing Donkey Kong posters proceeded to get excited about owning the franchise - until Rare corrected them



  2. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Nintendo never owned Rare, they only ever owned a minority share in the company. That source code never left Rare, it never belonged to anyone but them, not it belongs to Microsoft via their acquisition.


    I'm not confused, you have no earthly idea what you're talking about. Nintendo only owned the Bond license, nothing else.  

    Nintendo previously owned a 51% stake in Rare before selling it to MS for a ridiculous sum :mickeyj:



    Anyway... you can deny the facts of the copyrights that I showed you....and believe the conspiracy that Nintendo was able to block a third party game from other platforms that they have no control over without Nintendo actually owning the rights to said version. :grimaceleft:

  3. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    They specify the version on purpose, that's the only part of it that applies to the copyright. The Nintendo 64 compiled game on cartridge was their property, anything beyond that was not within their intellectual domain.  During this very brief period Nintendo had the rights to Bond, which is why this game went nowhere else at the time.


    After that it was relinquished to EA with Tomorrow Never Dies and so on, and then Activision retained the rights etc. No one bothered to mess with the GoldenEye game as its period of relevance had passed, it's a licensed movie property. It's only novelty would have been as this product was intended to be, a remaster of the old game which was the only period in time it was pursued for redevelopment. As soon as Nintendo's rights to 007 went to EA they lost the franchise, Rare always owned the source code which is exactly why it was then and still is in their possession. 


    The second Nintendo let the bond license slip they lost any say over the fate of GoldenEye. 

    you are confusing rights to the IP, with rights to publish the a remake/remaster of the N64 game (Nintendo owned that rights to the N64 game up until Dec 2017)


    Rare employees who had copies of it when they were purchased by MS could not legally release it publicly... that's why the remake never happened. 



    It wasn't a conspiracy :lupe:


  4. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Do you realize that uncompiled code is not a compiled version i.e. they owned the compiled code on the cartridge, not the code itself. There's a reason Rare still has all of this code even in the sale to Microsoft, Nintendo never owned the source, they owned the compiled code on cartridge. In terms of code Perfect Dark was no different, which again is why it transferred with Rare and they were able to make the 360 version of Perfect Dark. The only hitch in the GoldenEye equation were the bond rights, had it been a generic named shooter as Perfect Dark was nothing would have impeded its release. 

    No.... You are confused. 


    With the sale if Rare to MS... Rare was allowed to keep their IPs as this was their value and the reason Nintendo was allowed to get a great price for their share of Rare with the purchase by Microsoft. 


    Nintendo kept all their own IPs and any code related to those IPs. 


    With the IPs that Rare kept in the sale, they obviously are allowed to release those games because they own that IP. 


    With Golden Eye N64, Nintendo owned the rights to the video game source up until Dec 2017.....It says it right there... yet you deny the FACTS. 


    Anyway... who ever currently owns the James Bond IP can now release a remake/remaster of the N64 game. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Do you realize that uncompiled code is not a compiled version i.e. they owned the compiled code on the cartridge, not the code itself.

    That's not how it works in IP law with code :monocle:


    They owned the Name of the N64 version, the code itself (video game) and the cartridge. 


    On the very next line under description. 




    Bbut teh conspiracy:lupe:


  6. 2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    They didn't own it, they had no rights to it at this point. Activision owned the rights and Iwata said...


     "Goldeneye is a Nintendo product and should only be on a Nintendo platform".


    So, obviously he went behind everyone's back and worked out something with Activision to block it. Good riddance you dead PoS, the guy would have rather of let a project like this be scrapped instead of allowing millions to enjoy it, or hell even asking Microsoft if they could work something out. Fuck Iwata.


    P.S. A Rare employee should leak this, it needs to be leaked.


    :cosby2: Seriously?  Videogames are that serious to you. 


    Nintendo didn't own the rights to Goldeneye IP as it is a James Bond IP..... . but they do/did own the source code to the N64 game up until recently....Dec 10th 2017 to be exact. 


    Now why would they let a competitor release it when they the owned the source?  :interesting:



    Nintendo filed for their copyright before the game’s release on August 25th 1997, however according to this copyrights record, its effective date began on December 10, 1997, which was exactly 20 years ago as of yesterday, meaning Nintendo no longer has a custom copyright on the N64 version or GoldenEye 007.



    lol @ you kids who believed it was some back room black balling of Activision..... teh conspiracies:lupe:


  7. 13 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You saying this doesn't make it a reality, they're all great looking games with different strengths and weaknesses, engine nuances, artistic visions and touches. Your problem is you outwardly only appreciate one side so you can peddle a feeble minded simpleton narrative.


    As always you're dumb. A pathetic little Nintendo geek who hides behind a PlayStation console attempting to belittle Xbox. :snoop:

    Didn't say Quantum looks bad, im saying GOW and Horizon looks better :cmpunk2:

  8. 11 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    No, you're just dumb, ignorant, and not in a personal position to view any of these things in a native operating environment. You make stupid assertions. You're a know it all who doesn't actually know anything. Not to mention that every game looks best on X. Red Dead Redemption II is on the eve of release, arguably the best looking game ever created and guess what, it's going to look best on Xbox. Sony's games are not the graphical ceiling in video games. 

















    those look worse than GOW and Horizon on Pro :mickeyj:

  9. 26 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    JonBitch1 was the most active poster on SideScrollers. Some days it felt like it was just me and him arguing about the dumbest shit. ''You don't even play games :jonb: '' 


    What a stupid faggot. Dude is just mad Xbox One flopped terribly during those times and was mocked by everyone. 


    ''Best in every genre, thank you MS :leo:''


    Sunset Overdrive - Flop

    Quantum Break - Flop

    ReCore - Flop

    Dead Rising 4 - Flop

    Sea of Thieves - Flop



    oh yea. you're right.  He was the most active poster.  He also didn't want to leave SS. 


    Now he is on SW fronting as if he did not live on SS daily :sabu:

    • Haha 2
  10. 8 hours ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    It was established after Blackhand, Dayo, and Ghost (BDG) ran this place down to the ground.   



    Slow Jonny literally believes the site was created because of a game scoring 8.0 on GS :Jeff:


    To him it had nothing to do with all the spam threads and how this board had turned into a cesspool. 

  11. 1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

    Funny how Microsoft is only now just starting to make an effort in preparation for next-gen and lemmings are eating it up.


    Like they don't mind one bit they've bought two $500 boxes and had no games for an entire generation :cruise: now they're gonna need another new box if they want to play these games.

    Almost 1 year later and there still isn't one flagship showpiece Scorpio game :sabu:

  12. 55 minutes ago, Saucer said:

    This is the first time I've taken a look at the game. Can you buy it without the toys? I'm not seeing a standard $60 version at Amazon. 

    digital has the standard 60 price and comes with more content. 


    Yeah the 60 dollar base digital version comes with way more stuff (about 75% of the ships/pilots/weapons) than the physical starter pack as well


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