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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    The tumor has been removed now. Capcom Vancouver = dead, DMC5 = in-house made and looks amazing.


    Don't kid yourself. MHW reached 10m worldwide. Switch can get the handheld scraps though, it's fine as an extra source of revenue on the side while the important games gets made for current gen consoles. Nintendo fans = second rate citizens.

    and even with that 10 million WW they're still bleeding money. 


    Expect more Switch support in 2019

  2. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That's not true, since 1939 Batman has sold like 450 million comics, since 1963 Spiderman has sold like 375 million, that's over a million issues more sold per year than Batman, Spiderman is much more popular.  Batman has had better games, the mechanics of the character has given credence to better function over the course of technological advancement. Making a Spiderman game has always posed issues with the scope, scale and function of character relative to mechanics of web slinging through a massive city. A Spiderman game couldn't have been properly done until now, and now it finally has been. I'd argue even now that a competent Superman game could not be made yet, we're not technologically there to handle that kind of scale and seamless scope or levels of destruction.


    Also better TV shows for children doesn't equate to a more popular character in general. 

    Better movies, better games, better TV shows etc. 


    Grossed more $$$ in all those avenues as well (Movies, shows, games etc) 


    As far as comics... how many issues that Spiderman release? How many reboots and alternate universes? lol


    Marvel released more comics per year than DC released for Batman... hence the higher average per year on comics... but per issue Batman sold more. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    One of, Spiderman is still more popular especially in the comic scene which is the entire origin of these characters. 

    You're on drugs.  Batman is more popular than Spiderman in Videogames, comic books, movies, the 90s animated series, the DC animated movies, pop culture etc. 


    Spiderman is just having a little resurgence  in popularity because of Avengers.      Batman has been consistently popular for decades. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That bears no comparison and has no relation on the demographic change in gaming. You're also citing a saga of games as opposed to a stand alone title, plus Spiderman is a dramatically more popular superhero than Batman. 



    Batman is definitely one if the most popular super heroes of all time. 


    The Batman games sold millions individually as well... years ago. 


  5. 10 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Fucking Deeno man... You talk to him about the possibility of a PC release of MCC..  "nah man, the game is essentially 5 engines ducktaped together and barely functions as it is"... then you talk to him about the Xbox version "It's been solid for forever now... problems were greatly exaggerated"



    He always traps himself in circular logic... each and every time :mickeyj:

  6. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    lol so it's not even a real online service for this, it's just direct IP connect lmao


    you can still do that with dead games from the 90's on PC, you can still do this on the Sega Saturn Netlink for christ sake





    That's only for the NES games.  The online multi are wkth friends. 


    As far as regular Switch games. Online works as it always has.. with friends and randoms. 

  7. Xbox1 is in such a drought that BC 360 games are charting :sabu:


    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 returns to the monthly best-sellers list in August, driven by sales of the Xbox 360 version: The title was added to the Xbox One Backward Compatible Game Library on August 28th, propelling the title up to number 8 on the August best-sellers chart. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 finished July 2018 as the 321st best-selling game of the month.



    from 321 up to 8th. 


    The thirst is real :bena:


  8. 6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Then why even bring up metacritic ? You guys agreed to the "rules"


    Lmao idiots .


    Doing exactly as I said . If it flops at GS you'll rush to meta .


    Even tho you say you refuse to play 7.0 games ?


    Oh , another lie I guess 


    37 minutes ago, Goukosan said:




    Lets see if GS flops it or not. 


    I swear you're brain dead.  Says right in the OP, let's see if GS flops it. 


    Let me say it one last time for slow ass Johnny. 




    Flops it, 









    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    How many months has Deeno been trying to argue Deeno Math™ to excuse the fact that Switch is beating xbone's ass?


    Look at the cows, Deeno: when Switch beats them in the NPD, none of them cry about it.  That's because they're not insecure about their console of choice. :rawf:

    and likewise when PS4 wins a month, Sheep don't cry about it. 

  10. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    NPD unfortunately doesn't release numbers so even the leaked numbers are usually estimates. 

    Also they operate on a revenue bases for charting which is a bit annoying when it comes to software. 


    That's why UK weekly sales charts are the best.  

    NPD specified "both units and dollars". 



  11. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    @Goukosan So what did it sell in August?

    Bro.. I saw the question. 


    Its obvious it sold more because last month they weren't saying it's the highest since YTD since 2011. 


    It was already ahead of 2017 prior to August but not highest YTD.  Waiting for confirmation of the actual figures.

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