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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Combat can be "slow" if you're not chaining correctly. Once you learn to In battle... link elements - get orb - link different elements - get different elemental orb- do an overdive attack with the aegis + chain it with a break +topple +lift.... then while the enemy is airborne do the elemental attack with the orb (this allows your entire party to go do a special each and if you chain it correctly you get to chain it twice).... once that orb is done... chain in the 2nd orb.... if you chained everything correctly I think you get another super attack or somet
  2. The typhoon has nothing to do with games being released digitally today. Games and demos were still released today on Switch. It's on Xbox 1 first.... spin more bro
  3. Yes... its quite obvious that was your opinion. Do you need everything literally spelled out to you?
  4. bbbut that statement you made wasn't subjective though
  5. Bro... his "no thanks" sets the context for his next statement
  6. His "no thanks" obviously means he is talking about his own preference and not trying to dictate yours.
  7. Lets see if Capcom can revive this franchise.
  8. 4 people didn't care and 4 cared.... Im not against threads getting cleaned up. Im referring to the immediate crying by him once some people didn't care and calling for posts to be deleted immediately after the "I don't care" post. 4 people cared, 4 didn't.... respond to those that cared. If the ones that didn't care started spamming then it would be cleaned up.....no need for him to cry instantly.
  9. You had 4 people post I don't care and 4 people who cared (so far). That is not spam bro. Stop crying... Jeezus.
  10. As my post stated above, if those same posters had started repeating the same shit over and over "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care" then that's spam in the context of this thread. Ramza being a bitter dude is known but getting bent out if shape for Ramza posting one "I don't care"... is getting bent out of shape for nothing.
  11. Six individuals saying "I don't care" isn't spam because it was a response to something you threw out there. If those same six individuals start responding over and over and over with " I do not care" then that constitutes spam.
  12. You're confused. Im not encouraging anything on either end. Im saying you're bitching about nothing. Crying over "I do not care" posts is being overly sensitive. Should we regulate every " I don't care" type posts you make in other threads too? lol
  13. news flash.... not because YOU care about Forza = everyone cares or that everyone should care. A few "no one cares" posts by different posters is not stopping the people who care from discussing the game. If posters come in and actually spammed the thread... that will be taken care of and it will be cleaned up so that the discussion about the game can continue.
  14. are you guys really getting your panties in a bunch over a "no one cares" post? lol Seriously now... DynamiteCop threw it out there and got a few "no one cares" responses. If we start regulating every dismissive post, dismissive Jab... there would basically be no posts on the board. If the thread was actually derailed with other shit... sure. But "no one cares" responses to him throwing something out there is par for the course.
  15. Yes... he threw it out there... so getting "no one cares" responses are par for the course. If they actually started spaming the thread with other shit.. then that's an issue
  16. Bro....Who are you making this bet with? People saying they don't care about the bet is simply because you made a thread bet with no one.
  17. Sidescrollers.net is still up.... I'll link the threads later when I have time. W101 was heavily rumored to be announced today. The direct got postponed because of the natural disasters Japan is currently facing.
  18. I remember convincing you to get it. That game was too hardcore for some people. The Switch version will be superb though
  19. #Facts. Who is DynamiteKKKop even talking to? He is making bets with himself.
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