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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're absolutely delusional, also how is it up YoY when it's 130,000 units down from March through August of 2017? Remember that? When the Switch had shortages for months, and months, and months? And it's still down from that even though it's readily available everywhere.

    You have the memory of a single cell organism. 


    July’s NPD. 


    Switch: +18%
    3DS: -20%
    PS4: -14%
    Xbox One: +16%


    its also ahead YOY in Japan and Europe.


    You have it in your head that Switch is falling off a cliff, too bad reality doesn't match up for you.


    Software sales have more than doubled too. 


    “Nintendo is the top-selling full game software publisher for both July and year to date,” said Piscatella.


    “Nintendo Switch is the only platform showing year-on-year growth in full-game dollar sales with gains of nearly 70 percent when compared to a year ago, despite digital sales on Nintendo platforms not currently being tracked by The NPD Group.


    Year-to-date sales of full-game software on Nintendo Switch have more than doubled when compared to a year ago.”



  2. 36 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's not going to happen, it's moving far too slowly to hit this moving target and it's slowing down. By the time Switch approaches its figures the Xbox One will have already been replaced. Also the mean Xbox One cost is $400, the mean PS4 cost is $350 and the mean Switch cost is $300.


    Cost relative the Switch is no prize in relation to unit movement.

    How can the Switch be slowing down when it's up YOY WW?   Its like you just love to deny FACTS. 


    By March 2019 Switch will sell WW what the XB1 has sold in 5 years. 


    By Launch of new Xbox1 in 2020 Switch will have surpassed Xbox1. 


    The mean cost of an Xbox1 doesn't mean shit for purching because individual customers aren't paying a mean price.   They are paying a price per console. 


    OG Xbox1 and Xbox1 S are cheaper than a Switch. 


    2 out of 3 Xbox1s available to consumers on shelves are cheaper than a Switch. 


    You can deny it and shove your head up your ass all you want, all three systems are in competition. 


    PS4 will win this Gen and Switch will defeat Xbox1 at the finish line. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Yes... just as clear as only X and Y devs were going to do it...right?  ...except now Z devs are trying it too...


    This is EEEEAAAASSSSYYYY money for developers.  If these games do well enough... they'll broaden the scope.  You'd be stupid to think that they wont.

    Currently still Japan only and a few games just like 3DS.


    Talk to me in a few years when this becomes mainstream WW

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