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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Bro. MS CEO clearly said GamePass. No mention of it going through Xcloud. Not going back and forth with your delusional ass over this when MS already said it's GamePass.
  2. Bro... it's Gamepass. The streaming is a different thing... called XCloud.
  3. Wtf are you babbling about now? I'm referring to your "interesting that the bomb didn't explode" comments
  4. He is not a mod as yet slow Jonny.
  5. Re read what I said. I said the 3DS version in Japan sold more than the PS4 version did World Wide combined. The 3DS version hasn't been released in the west as yet... but that will also outsell the PS4 version out west. Octopath also outsold DQXI in the United States No it hasn't sparked more interest. The game cost almost twice more than the DQIX did at retail .... so any decent sales on PC and PS4 would generate a higher dollar amount in the west..... that's not rocket science. You noticed they did not say it sol
  6. Hey you're late to the party. 1) Octopath outsold DQXI launch. (in the US) 2) They're talking about "dollar sales". DQXI cost 60.....DQIX launched at 35. Nice try though. @Ramza 3) The 3DS version (Japan alone) has outsold the PS4 version WW. 4) The Switch is getting this game too. 5) Wrong about what? I don't remember saying DQXI won't do well on PS4.... Its Dragon Quest.. it will do well. I said it will do better on Switch once it comes out.
  7. What conspiracy have they coordinated on in the past. They as in everyone I listed. This should be good.
  8. The Secret Service, The FBI, the CIA and the NYPD all conspired to have this happen. They all coordinated with the Clinton's, Obama, CNN, NYT, NYS Governor, NYC Mayor, Eric Holder etc to pull this off. Tobias Isreal was the mastermind behind this
  9. Just out of curiosity? But you need Ligit looking logos you say?... hmmmm
  10. They're currently searching to see if they're more bombs. With that said... I don't think this was a solo job....
  11. update....Bomb Device also sent to John Brennan (Former CIA director and and Trump critic)
  12. Update... Another Package Bomb was intended for Eric Holder. ( Attorney General Under Obama)
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