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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. A new system launch (Scorpio) has had more of an effect than Play Anywhere. You have new customers purchasing an X plus current userbase upgrading to X to help boost sales... But even with that, Xbox1 has been selling below the competition both hardware wise and software wise.
  2. Consumers don't see it that way as evidenced by sales. Because all the games on Xbox1 are playable somewhere else.... it makes owning an Xbox1 redundant.
  3. Bodycount is a realist.... not a delusional lemcel like the rest of them.
  4. If you can get all of Xbox1 games elsewhere... why get an Xbox1 to begin with?....
  5. Goukosan


    80 for an Xbox1.... sounds about right for what it's worth
  6. That Navy seal authorized the mission himself and signed off on it? "Bbbut I was the one who pulled the trigger " - Says the grunt who was following the orders of his superiors.
  7. Bro... you quoted me. and when I respond to your quote you're getting sensitive because you theory didn't work out lol
  8. and as usual reality slaps you in Your face and you ignore it
  9. Game A running at 60fps at a higher resolution =/= game B doing the same. The visual fidelity of the underlying game is not the ssme for every game on a system... so expecting the same output and performance between games is naive.
  10. The seasons in Forza 4 bro, that makes it inherently a different game from the other Forza's that release twice a year
  11. He sickly tried to preemptively damage control it in his "im taking Forza bets" thread. Watch him come in here and proclaim "I knew this all along".... lol
  12. Calm down insecure dudes. Races won't be changed. Seriously, you guys are a bunch of cry babies. When they change other fictional characters from their original race to white actors it's "well maybe that was the best actor for the job" But when its the other way around its "Bbbut my fictional character might be a different race other than white
  13. Combat can be "slow" if you're not chaining correctly. Once you learn to In battle... link elements - get orb - link different elements - get different elemental orb- do an overdive attack with the aegis + chain it with a break +topple +lift.... then while the enemy is airborne do the elemental attack with the orb (this allows your entire party to go do a special each and if you chain it correctly you get to chain it twice).... once that orb is done... chain in the 2nd orb.... if you chained everything correctly I think you get another super attack or somet
  14. The typhoon has nothing to do with games being released digitally today. Games and demos were still released today on Switch. It's on Xbox 1 first.... spin more bro
  15. Yes... its quite obvious that was your opinion. Do you need everything literally spelled out to you?
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