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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Somehow I doubt that, it's no doubt in line with most everyone. 

    You can doubt all you want... doesn't mean it's not true. 


    Look at our system wars (this site) join date 2004, 2005....and that was after posting at GS systemwars for years.


    The majority of us had been at GS before they had a GS system wars to begin with and were some of the original posters on that board.   


    So yes... you are still new compared the majority of posters here. 


  2. 22 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You can't argue with this, even on Metacritic they applied their review score to every version of the game except the Xbox version. 


    This shit is hilarious.

    Teh Bias is real :Jeff:..... Metacritic won't update their website to include the GS Xbox1..... never ever:lupe:

  3. 1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    This site has always gone by Gamespot - even after the Kane & Lynch Fiasco it didn't get dropped as the review site to use for Systemwars.


    Metacritic is what you use if you want to actually buy it for yourself - like RottenTomatoes before you go buy a movie ticket; but we can't seriously use it as the score fluctuates, so you claim ownage a Monday, and by Friday you get owned? 



    Ding ding ding.... we have a winner. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    Getting that on X, loved the demo B)


    No media bias at all they said, we just didn't mention the other platform it was on oops  :hest: 


    The media bias is real :dame:


    Ginny Whore.png

    Seems like the publishers are sending out Switch versions and or  PS4 versions of multiplats to the reviewers. 


    Even the publishers of the games don't care about the Xbox version. 


    The Publisher Bias is real :lupe:

  5. 1 minute ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    Honestly I don't think anyone really gives a shit. The last two Tomb Raider games were decent $20 material, and this apparently might be the worst of the recent ones with a new Team B.

    I agree... no one gives a shit anymore about Tomb Raider. 


    That's why its hilarious that Lemcels think there is a media bias against the game.. lol

  6. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    For the same reason fanboys were ready to boycott Rise given its timed status with Xbox. Do you actually think reviewers are not incapable of bias or something?

    are you trying to prove my point for me? lol


    This isn't timed exclusive.... its a  same day multi....this is literally the opposite of that situation.... 


    so again why would PlayStation folks be salty for a same day multi? 


  7. 2 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    it's a fact.


    you can't tell me you can't afford exclusives. WiiU got fucking exclusives and it was stillborn. POS3 was getting clobbered and it still got exclusives. N64, fucking Ngage got more exclusives. :D 


    we need to know how many units the console has sold, no more bullshit. If it's seriously at 30+ mil and this is the best they can do, then they seriously need to fuck off.


    The reality is this thing has to be at stillborn sales status, or else shit like lucky's tale, state of decay 2 and sea of thieves  just don't make sense. they aren't even trying. these games SUCK, they're not just average, they're straight up broken, buggy, glitchy, budgety ass. :D what the HELL is going on over at Redmond.

    Bodycount with the TRUTH BOMBS!!! :ooh:

  8. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Yeah, that's why Play Anywhere has had zero observable effect on hardware sales right? It changed nothing.



    A new system launch (Scorpio) has had more of an effect than Play Anywhere. 


    You have new customers purchasing an X plus current userbase upgrading to X to help boost sales... 


    But even with that, Xbox1 has been selling below the competition both hardware wise and software wise. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You have been skull fucked by the delusional belief that a game only being on one platform makes it better, more refined or palatable. 


    These fanboys have fucking destroyed you lol :hest: it doesn't change anything :mj:

    If you can get all of Xbox1 games elsewhere... why get an Xbox1 to begin with?.... 

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