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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I still use horses because my horses from BOTW with 4 dash slots came over
  2. Drinking that MS kool-aid which brands exclusivity deals as anti competitive when MS were the ones that made the dumb choice that exclusives didn't matter. They actively made that choice to stop going after 3rd party exclusives abandoning the strategy they used for both the OG Xbox and 360.. Which both had tons of first and 3rd party exclusives. Bbbbbbut it's anticompetitive
  3. Purchasing a developer like Bungie is fine and dandy. That's different from purchasing a major 3rd party publisher.
  4. Twinblade wasn't a Dem until 2020. All through the Trump presidency he supported him.
  5. Look at you over here fantazing about 1st party studios purchasing major 3rd party publishers.
  6. I've been exploring the world, doing side adventures, side missions...trying to fill out the map, build hearts and stamina etc. And I still feel like I haven't scratched the surface. Just made it to the depths today... Did the first mission and turned it off for the day after I realized hrs upon hrs had already passed. Hrs played in Switch games unlock after 10 days... So im interested to see how many hrs I sink into it so far.
  7. This game is addictive ae fuck... The hrs just slip away while you're playing.
  8. Just completed a side adventure with a group of NPCs in a lightning storm.... Didn't realize NPCs would go on missions with you and shit. They were just sneaking through a grass field and asked me to join their hunt...im thinking I would go solo.. Nope these guys (about 10 of them) did the mission with me. I had a metallic sword equipped and lightning came down from the storm and struck me down in the middle of the raid
  9. This game is so jam packed... Jeez I would leave out on a task, get distracted by some other thing... While distracted.. I get distracted again and then end up doing a bunch of other stuff I didn't initially plan to do.. Lol
  10. The region quests can be done at anytime....it opens up for you to do.. But you do it when you want. I played for an entire week before even doing my first and only temple so far the wind temple. Also if you get every quality of life features from the start of the game what's the point in making progress through the game?
  11. Some of the puzzles in these shrines are magnificent .. Wow
  12. Finished the wind temple... Link basically has an infinity gauntlet in this game.. Lol
  13. Dwight Howard tweeting from China that Lakers could have used his help... He has a point... Joker was killing AD in the bubble and then they put Dwight on joker single coverage no doubles... Changed the series because they could now double Murry.
  14. This game picks up right where BOTW ends off... Like literally right after. It builds on top on what BOTW established and adds soo much more. If you play this first you may not enjoy BOTW as much.
  15. Yes you collect items on your journey/quest.... The journey is not solely to collects the items... If you're journeying just for items then you will get burnt out quickly but if you're doing quests and collecting items on the way then you hit the sweet spot.
  16. That was in the gameplay trailer explaining the new mechanics that the Director showed in the Zelda direct. In any event.... Any object that moves you can rewind its trajectory. The physics and chemistry systems in both BOTW and TOTK are very robust.
  17. Just got to the Wind Temple (will tackle this tonight) .... this game I tell you... Epic Adventure It's been a week and by now I would have completed or almost completed most games... With this I feel like I just scratched the surface.
  18. The officiating caused AD to be a no show all game, LeBron to miss that lay up, turn the ball over and get torched by Murray? Nuggets won this.
  19. Have you done the skies or the depths as yet?
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