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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. It highly probable but even DF didn't want to commit 100% to it because they couldn't confirm it.
  2. Digital Foundry said they think/belive that's how it was achieved but were not able to confirm it. Without confirmation from the developer, we can't say that this is the case for sure
  3. SEGA announced intentions to bring every popular game in their catalog up to Dreamcast to Nintendo Switch. In a recent Famitsu interview, SEGA’s Naoki Horii said that the company is close to successfully making Dreamcast titles work on Nintendo Switch through emulation. But there’s still one question left unanswered. Horii said there are two ways to go about making SEGA Ages Dreamcast titles on Nintendo Switch, either through emulation or remaking the game as they still have its source code. Both approaches are very different, but it seems the company is leaning towards
  4. pre patch the game already was hitting 720p slow Jonny. This improved how often it would hit that mark.
  5. 17 posts now....boy you're truly obsessed. If only there was a video in the OP to show the improvement
  6. This is only my second post ITT... Meanwhile. Slow Jonny has 15 posts in a 40 post thread. He is very much triggered
  7. I remember when this game came out some of you guys says no more optimizations were possible. Panic Button then turns around and improves the resolution to 720p, improves the frame rate and improves the texture quality.
  8. worse performance compared to? It runs at a higher res, no screen tearing and runs stably when compared to the original. (The original would drop into the teens) Even the PS4/ XB1 version has frame rate and frame pacing issues..... those are inherent to the engines the From Software uses.
  9. The thread is about NPD sales... which include all 3 systems. We discussed that PS4 was number 1. We discussed that Spiderman was number one (Physical sales). We discussed Mario Party physical sales being higher than Both Tomb Raider and FH4. We discussed Switch sales vs last year.... and finally we discussed Xbox1 coming last again. Slow Jonny and DynamiteCop interprets that as "All you guys do is talk about XB1". Those two have a seriously persecution complex
  10. Jonb1 running from his own questions . I play other games.... but YOU asked about exclusives...... nice self ownage by you there.
  11. I didn't ask what multi-plats you're playing On PC. Show me the GS score for Torna the Golden Country
  12. look at slow Jonny constantly run from posting what exclusives he is playing September 14 until today isn't 3 months retard. https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/xenoblade-chronicles-2-torna-the-golden-country/critic-reviews AAE
  13. Since MS ia going 3rd party the lemming faction is no more. The green color will be removed and replaced with a doodoo brown color.....RIP lemmings.
  14. Xenoblade: Battle for Torna is a stand alone prequel that released on September 14th 2018. AAe Octopath was July 2018 AAe Donkey Kong Adventure was June 2018 - AAe. Its still your turn to answer which exclusives you're playing on Xbox
  15. Currently, Mario SRPG :DK Adventure, Xenoblade 2 Battle for Torna and Octopath Traveler. All AAe exclusives. Your turn
  16. "our goal is to stream om every device possible" Those are 3rd party intentions.
  17. Bodycount was a true lemming. Microsoft broke his heart... so he shows no mercy to the few remaining lemmings
  18. Im not hoping anything. MS already announced their 3rd party intentions. Yes they will also have a console next gen..... you're HOPING that they make another one after that.
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