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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. He's lying again, notice they keep posting that same thing? They're reaching, grasping onto one thing.   December was never on the table until BH asked about it, you saw my response.



    Wait you are saying Dec wasn't on the table until BH asked about it on Dec 25th.  


    Hmmm that's interesting because The FIRST POST OF THE THREAD (on Nov 20th) BH MENTIONS BOTH DEC AND NOV..







    I'm leaning towards that it won't but still has a chance if Nintendo doesn't make enough available in Nov or Dec beyond that ps4 is second fiddle from here on out and ps5 has no chance against Switch:dead:

     You then go on to say switch has no chance in the holiday season to be in contention.



    The more you lie the bigger you dig your grave.


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk








  2. :kaz:
    So you're telling me DipshitFlop actually meant a single day or holi"days" instead of the actual time period of the holiday season? GTFO. This is a fuckin' reach.
    Well good thing he also included the Holiday Season in his rants lol

    Why would it suddenly spike in sales during the holidays when it's available everywhere right now at $300 and will be $300 throughout the holiday season? I could go buy one as a gift right now for Christmas, it's not some rarity or deal that needs to be taken advantage of.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  3. He's lying again, notice they keep posting that same thing? They're reaching, grasping onto one thing.
    December was never on the table until BH asked about it, you saw my response.
    Bbbut he is lying guys [emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]

    Your own words betray you.

    Why would it suddenly spike in sales during the holidays when it's available everywhere right now at $300 and will be $300 throughout the holiday season? I could go buy one as a gift right now for Christmas, it's not some rarity or deal that needs to be taken advantage of.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  4. Goober , will you admit you were wrong about the Xenoblade patch , the firmware update and the games to shown at the Nintendo Direct ?
    I have no issue admitting I was wrong when I am indeed wrong.

    My prediction that Bayonetta 3 or MP4 gameplay would be shown in the January direct was wrong.

    I never claimed the Switch 5.0 video was real. Said it was a well done fake.

    My prediction prior for the Xenoblade 2 patch was wrong. Post patch there was slight improvement to handheld mode but not what I predicted before the patch.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  5. I see.  But could "the holidays" refer to, Black Friday, and Christmas holiday?
    I don't see him saying the "holiday season" which would signify November and December.
    I don't remember him stating that Xbox would take the entire month of December.

    Mike also asked him is he meant month to month in the Holiday season and he said yes.

    The discussion touched on black Friday, Christmas and the Holidays in general.

    No one said he claimed Xbox1 would win. The entire discussion centers around his claim that the full price Switch could not compete against Xbox1 and PS4 at 199 during the holidays this year.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  6. This is pretty conclusive imo. :francis: 
    Check the dates, that post is a month later after the fact.

    Also check this thread where in the first few posts I pointed out that he changed his stance later on. (Which by the way is fine, we all can change stances). I said that ITT from the start, that he changed stances.

    BUT.. this is where it gets hilarious.

    He then responds "wrong". Meaning he never changed his stance.

    So we post his original stances showing him what he said originally.

    DynamiteCop then proceeds to post a screenshot of him changing his stance a month later to prove that he never changed his stance. lmfao.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  7. You made it abundantly clear you were speaking about the Holidays.






    No one has any idea how much the Xbox One is selling, the only thing that can be gone on are NPD figures and the holidays is what we are talking about.

     You also said the Switch only sells because it was the same price as the competition but come black fri THROUGH DECEMBER it won't because the competition will be $100 or $110 cheaper.





    It's been selling because it's been retailing for roughly the same price as its competition and it's new. They're going to be $100 and $110 cheaper come Friday which will likely extend through December or something similar.


     You also said why would it increase during holidays and Christmas because it's not some deal or rarity.



    Why would it suddenly spike in sales during the holidays when it's available everywhere right now at $300 and will be $300 throughout the holiday season? I could go buy one as a gift right now for Christmas, it's not some rarity or deal that needs to be taken advantage of.



    and of course the "not in contention" post where you were asked to give context and bw specific with your meaning and you clearly said "Holidays"


    Contention as in actually posting numbers similar and competitive to Sony and Microsoft for the holidays.





    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk








  8. And you're intentionally taking that out of the context and basis of the entire discussion which was..... Wait for it....  








    November and Black Friday. You're trying to push an argument from fallacy.


    The entire discussion was about the Holiday season, which runs from November through Dec.  

    You're claiming people are taking you out of context, but when we asked you for context you said.....




    Contention as in actually posting numbers similar and competitive to Sony and Microsoft for the holidays.




    Stop the foolishness. You were wrong, it happens. Get over it.



    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk






  9. You act like we haven't all been here for the last two months. Cherry picking individual things without context to the whole bodes the nonsensical bullshit you retards are peddling right now.  

    You're dumb.


    He asked you for context when he said "be specific" and this is where the entire 'in contention" thing started.  


    Quoted below is your response to his request to be specific;




    Contention as in actually posting numbers similar and competitive to Sony and Microsoft for the holidays.



    You were wrong, get over it. Jeez!!


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk






  10. I didn't mean Christmas when I said it.


    I didn't mean holidays when I said it again and again and again.


    I didn't mean it when I said Switch at full price wouldn't outsell Xbox1 at 199 for the holidays.


    I didn't mean none of that, you guiz are taking things out of context when you post screen shots of what I said.


    What I really meant was what I said when I back peddled a month later guiz, that was my true statement.


    Lmfao DynamiteFlop lmfao


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk







  11. The sad part is that he's thinks a link to him backpedaling a full month after making an ass out of himself, well after it dawned on him that Switch was gonna curb stomp xbox in December, counts as "see guiz, i totaly called it :killzone:".
    Ain't letting that shit slide.  He said it, he can own it like a man, or he can take it like a bitch.  Sadly he chose the latter. [emoji3] 
    DynamiteCop :lawl:

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  12. I already did "get out of it", you fags lying and warping the truth isn't working.

    screenshot and links of what you actually said are lies? lmfao


    It's there for everyone to see.


    You just can't admit when you're wrong.


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk




  13. Like I told you retards, I have not wavered in the least bit.  



    That's the best retort you can give? lmfao 

    That post date is DECEMBER 25TH, looooooong after your "not in contention post".


    So to recap, your evidence to prove that you never flip flopped and back peddled about the holiday sales, its to show us a post with you flip flopping and back peddling a month after your original post? :lawl:


    We have screen shots of your "not in contention" post from November 20th with you saying Switch sales won't be competitive for the Holidays because Xbox1 will be $189.


    You were wrong, get over it!!!




    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk






  14. I mentioned Christmas for the sake of these things being purchased for it, not the month of December.
    People specify things you know, something I did almost immediately.
    You're dumb.
    Bro, he then later specifically asked you to clarify what in contention means.

    You said "Holiday season".

    You were wrong, get over it!

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  15. I then went on to HEAVILY specify November which spawned the entire "contention" argument, I make no mention of December until Mike and BH start talking about it which I subsequently state that December could go to anyone.


    Quit trying to misrepresent this, you are well aware of all of this.

    Bro Like I said, you initially said holiday season. Multiple times. You even brought up Christmas and last I checked Christmas was in December.


    Mike even asked you to define contention and you again said HOLIDAY SEASON.


    later on after making those outlandish statements you revised your statements


    In this thread I said you revised it, you quoted me and said "wrong" .


    Now you're back peddling from that to now saying you did revise it from your original statement? Basically saying the same thing you just told me you didn't do? lmfao


    Your intial contention statement for the Holiday was wrong. Deal with it!!


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk








    there's more, check the screen shot. lol


    like I said, he initially said the holidays and that Switch had no chance at 300, not in contention, blah blah blah.


    Look at his definition for contention. He clearly says the holidays.



    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk




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  17. Link?  All I remember you saying was that Switch wasn't in contention. :mj2: 
    His intial contention statements was for the entire holiday season, he then revised it a couple times... lol

    When he links you make sure its for the intial post and not the revision statement.

    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

  18. Yeah officially, reality is it was still on sale just about everywhere.
    Let's pretend PS4 was widely available at sale price as you claim.

    Switch at full price outsold both Xbox1 and PS4 at sale price

    Something that you said was IMPOSSIBLE.


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

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