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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. NPD... Switch is within 3%. DynamiteCop "it fell off a cliff". Data shows Switch is selling the most WW this time year. DynamiteCop - "it fell off a cliff". NPD - GOW broke records. DynamiteCop - "it fell off a cliff" Delusional as always.... You can't even face the reality of the NPD threads anymore because it doesn't line up with your delusions Like I said earlier.... the rest if the year will be tough on your delusions
  2. Hey Retard.... you already said "even accounting for that".....So I accounted for it..... now you're already back tracking on that too? lol Just like how you brought up WW... got owned and then said "Why bring up Japan" as if Japan not part of the world. So to recap. According to DynamiteCop - The Switch selling the most WW in 2018 so far = fell off a cliff. The Switch within 3% of last year (US) = not even close. Switch outselling Xbox1 by 3x WW so far in 2018 = not outselling Xbox1 by much.
  3. So wait.. YOU bring up the world.... I respond with the World Wide numbers we have..... you say im diverting...lol US YTD 2018 NSW: ~2245K (-3%)... within 3% of last year. DynamiteCop- "its not close to last year" Switch is ahead of PS4 and Xbox1 for 2018 WW with the numbers we have publicly. DynamiteCop - "Switch fell off a cliff"
  4. That was a typo, that's the PS4 us numbers.... post already updated to reflect the correct numbers.... Switch is still ahead. Hey Retard... your 11 million for 2018 is a world wide prediction.... last I checked... Japan was part of the world. Would post the European numbers but we don't have that yet .... will have it on a few weeks though Switch and PS4 are neck and neck WW ...... Xbox1 is barely a blimp.... Yet... you think Switch fell off a cliff Worldwide... lmfao.
  5. The Switch its so exhausted its outselling Xbox1 and is ahead of PS4 when you combine Japan and US numbers. 2018 YTD Switch US + Japan = 2.24 + 1.91 = 4.15 PS4 US + Japan = 2.70 + 1.28 =3.98 Xbox1 US + Japan = 186 + 0.012= 1.86 If the Switch is exhausted then the Xbox is dead and Buried.
  6. Its within around the same amount of last year (In the US only) and is projected to have a better Holiday season than last year (Note Holiday Season includes both Thanksgiving and Christmas). I predict you will be wrong for the rest of the year... as per usual. That much is consistent.
  7. maaan.... the next 3 months of NPDs will be tough for you.... especially NOV and Dec...
  8. Switch Fell off a cliff by maintaining the around same pace it had last year
  9. Still 6 months left in Nintendo's fiscal year numb nuts... lol.... Wasn't even talking about your 11 million predictions but thanks for reminding me.. lol Did you forget that you predicted XB1 to outsell Switch this year? Did you forget that you predicted Scorpio to be the best selling Sku and drive Xbox1 sales to at least win a few NPDs? Did you forget you predicted Tomb Raider to sell well? Did you forget you predicted that GOW, Switch etc all fell off a cliff? Every single one of your predictions were wrong.... no wonder you fin
  10. Jonb1 refuses to talk about games.... not surprised
  11. Ask Jonb1 about games... he runs away... Typical
  12. What's the last game related post you made about a game you were playing?
  13. Did you forget your predictions? or are you just playing dumb? You always make outlandish predictions and then when reality smacks you in your face and proves you wrong... you tuck tail and run. No need to hide behind PS4 when Switch is also outselling Xbox1.....
  14. Switch is outselling and outscoring XB1. You can't hide from that
  15. Meanwhile you're in hiding from posting in another NPD thread... almost 20 months and counting and you've been wrong almost every month.
  16. lemmings consider laughing at them "hiding behind"
  17. In Contention for the Holiday Season* (Christmas is not included in the Holiday season, only includes Thanksgiving)
  18. It's a comparison to itself. Good compared to Xbox's shit 2017 but still bad compared to the competition.
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