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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. wait... it's that many Forza games this gen just on Xbox1 alone?
  2. So it turns out NPD tracking for Sept includes Forza launch, game did shit for Xbox1 hardware. Sep (9/2-10/6) data - Oct 23rd Mario Party launched October 5th and sold more physical copies in two days than Both Tomb Raider (Launched Sept 14th) and Horizon 4 (Launched Oct 2nd) Unless Tomb Raider did crazy digital numbers game flopped. Horizon 4 probably did great Digital Numbers.... and shit Physical numbers.
  3. the hardware bundle releases Oct The Game unlocks in Dec. Pokémon launches in 3 weeks. Switch and, PS4 will have a monster Holiday. Xbox1 on the other hand
  4. too late for what?... the smash bundle launches end of this month.
  5. He is not referring to good games. We all know Xbox has no games. He is referring Xbox1 2018 hardware sales have been better than Xbox 2017 hardware up until this point. ( better but still dead last) Xbox September 2018 was worse than its horrible Sept 2017.
  6. Hardware Ratio. Switch: 13DS: 0.31PS4: 1.63XBox: 0.68Other: 1 That works out to be PS4: ~425KNSW: ~260KXB1: ~175K3DS: ~81K Software (Physical only) Software side (physical only), Spiderman came out as the top selling software by a mile, followed by NBA 2K19 and Super Mario Party. Some notes: Mario Party is above TR for physical with only 2 days counted. (TR bombed unless digital was huge).... Digital +Physical rankings will be released on Tues. Insiders Observations. "PS4 hardware i
  7. post a link for your data bro. and you do realize gun related homicides and mass shootings are both gun violence deaths right?
  8. How does this happening in Russia change what happens in the US?
  9. And yet... The majority of PS4 owners and the Majority of PC users are playing a better version than the Base Xbox1. That's the point. The X is the monitory.
  10. Majority of PC owners will be playing a better version than the majority of the XB1 owners (Base Xbox1)....
  11. Lmfao at those useless percentages that DynamiteCop spewed out. DynamiteCop forgot the most important percentage with with Xbox vs PS4 comparison. 100% of the PlayStation userbase is playing a better version of the game than over 95% of the entire Xbox userbase. The Scorpio is in minority and the base in the majority of the Xbox users....for some reason the lemmings like to pretend that the Base Xbox1 doesn't exist anymore... lol
  12. where's the link to go along with the screenshots? I want to read the article.
  13. Watch a movie, TV show, read, go out drinking, party, go on a date, out door activities, Indoor activities , sleep, work, work out... etc just to name a few.
  14. I probably get in 5 to 10 depending on the week. On rare occasions I would get slightly more....but that's rare.. very rare.
  15. Sounds like it does the seamless inter-planetary travel very well. You also don't need those silly toys to play the game.
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