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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. DynamiteCop is most likely the most delusional poster on this site...real talk
  2. Correct at the end of the day... console lemmings HBR
  3. Only delusional lemmings (Slow Jonny and DynamiteKKKop) will be surprised by this.
  4. Awww slow Johnny is mad.... he may rage quit the board again in tears
  5. slow Jonny having another delusional temper tantrum
  6. You are seriously dense os a bag of rocks. Its so bad that you can't keep up with your own circular logic
  7. Circular logic man. Follow the quote chain. You can't help but think in Circles... Jeezus
  8. Who said anything about a mid gen upgrade. Like I said you think in circles
  9. You have seen the NPD charts.. the games that outsell Xbox1 exclusives all those months you were and continue to be wrong
  10. See how delusional you are... you think those two games represent the Switch from March until now. No wonder your dumb ass keeps thinking that every month the Switch will fall off a cliff.........
  11. Growth means nothing when your hardware and software sales are getting dwarfed by the competition. Don't care what you believe bro. If Nintendo did that (Switch games on other systems) it would be one less reason for people who don't own a Switch to purchase the hardware. You on the other hand can't seem to grasp how that when its smacking you in the face.
  12. Yes I agree.....your argument that I was terrified was retarded. Glad you agree.
  13. Yes im terrified that Xbox1 is going steaming..... all those quality Xbox1 exclusives like state of Decay, six of Thieves... all those games that the no one wants has me terrified
  14. I sold one console last year... this year I sold 3.....look at that 300% GROWTH. While my competitors sell much units then they did last year as well while outselling me this year.... bbbut teh growth % Xbox1 is dead last for 2018. Get over it. If Nintendo opened up their games to stream on other devices (PCs, Mobile, and possibly other consoles) I would say the same thing im saying now. It would be one less reason to own Nintendo hardware because the games are available elsewhere. That would be the reality of the situation.... something that you curren
  15. Yes, solidified them dead last in momentum as far as hardware and software sales of the big three go. You're as dense as a rock if you don't think streaming anywhere doesn't mean its one less reason to own an Xbox1. The hardest hardcores will still purchase hardware, but the mainstream folks that weren't in the Xbox1 echo system anyway aren't going to suddenly purchase an Xbox1 when now they don't need to.
  16. DynamiteCop missing the point again. Streaming is their pitch for people who currently are not part of the XB1 ecosystem. They want these people playing MS games without the hurdle of purchasing a 500 piece of hardware.
  17. You are missing the point as per always. Re-read his post I quoted about where he said only IRL fanboys play exclusively on one console and miss out on other games..... turns out that's exactly what he does
  18. Not too long ago you were pushing the exclusive Banger list of Cancelbound and a bunch of other games that turned out to be flops. Coincidentally once that happened... you suddenly didn't care about exclusives.
  19. doesn't matter the audience its for. What matters is there is now even less reason to purchase Xbox1 hardware.
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