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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. 3 free games But damn... Xbox1 can't even sell for shit with 3 free games?... wow
  2. I don't think you realize how ironic this post is.. lol
  3. Do you stats from a non NRA affiliate to back up your 160,000 + life saved per year metric?
  4. Everyone understood you quite well as seen by our responses to the dumb shit you constantly spew. Your lame attempt of a back peddle is failing. The fact that you think that only when there are 100s or thousands of kids being gunned down in school yearly for it to be an issue... is very telling.
  5. that you can't clarify your stance because it would put you deeper in the hole
  6. so your stance hasn't changed... gotcha
  7. oh here comes the epic back peddle.... Clarify what you said
  8. Bro.... you're a fucked up individual. First you wanted land mines on the boarder to kill people. Now you're saying that 100s of thousands of kids need to die before it becomes an issue?
  9. If you ever end up having children, ONE if them being gunned down WHILE IN SCHOOL will be too many for you. Did you just say that hundreds of thousands of kids have to get gunned down every year WHILE IN SCHOOL for this to be a real issue?
  10. Bro you didn't know that for each PC game a million versions are made?
  11. Its part of their multi year partnership agreement.
  12. This is correct. For some reason, DynamiteCop has it in his head that Switch currently gets two versions of each game
  13. Its like DynamiteCop doesn't understand how revisions of a current system works.. lol
  14. updating the thread title to reflect the topic as a rumor.
  15. All those games I listed are full games complete games, even if a user doesn't purchase DLC. First party software on Playstation is also very important. Its what distinguishes it from Xbox. If it wasn't for Sony's first party software.... what would make it unique when compared to Xbox1?
  16. Having a season pass doesn't mean the game sold terribly BOTW had a season Pass - game sold over 10 million Oddessy had some DLC - game sold over 12 million. MK8 had DLC - game sold over 11 million Splatoon 2 had a season pass - game sold over 7 million.
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