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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I got the fire rod waaaay before that. Going somewhere else. On the way to rito got the electric rod and at Rito got the ice rod.
  2. No... The fire wizrobes have it.. Kill him and take it.
  3. Finally got rito village.... I have a flame rod equipped (it's now called Safford sword in TOTK)..... When it's on your back it keep you warm on the cold climates.... No need to look for a cold outfit.
  4. Apparently this is next gen only and Switch. No PS4 or Xbox1 versions.
  5. Thw art style is similar to part 4. The main character is still RYU. They're just hyping luke. But it's the fighting mechanics that are Stella compared to V.
  6. There's still time for you to have a kid or two.
  7. Congratulations..... But Get that paternity test.
  8. If it's like BOTW.. He will move once you upgrade more slots at his current location. Not sure what the threshold is... But he might move again.
  9. He most likely will move again once you upgrade some more... He moved around like 2 to 3 times in BOTW.
  10. Post the link to that thread. Im pretty sure DynamiteCop was going on about some rumor that smash was coming to Xbox and I pointed out to him that if you're pushing that rumor... You have to take the entire thing because it also said Xbl, gamepass and Cloud on Switch. That's not me saying it will come to switch.. That's me pointing out his cherry picking from a rumor he posted.
  11. Enjoy the wait... You said it Will happen next gen earlier in this thread... Now you're saying it doesn't matter when. Whatever position you're taking on that now... Enjoy the wait And if it does happen in 3 gens you can say you were right. Have fun
  12. Switch Hardware sales increased in April in anticipation of Zelda... #1 system. And it will sell even more hardware this month. And the game itself sold 10 million in 3 days. No one cares about the game emulated on PC.... Zero impact on Switch
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