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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Didn't you just make a sales thread? . Great news for 3rd party sales on Xbox1... 7%
  2. Nothing? you must have missed all those indictments and guilty pleas already that has come out of recent ongoing investigations
  3. Did you forget you prematurely said "its over".... then bam.... it wasn't... lol and FYI They have already expanded it to include the additional accusers
  4. Yes... the guy who was sure sure there would be no FBI investigation..... whoops DynamiteCop is batting 0 for 1000 right now.... don't worry anyday now you will hit a home run... keep swinging for the fences though
  5. oh boy here comes delusional Cop. Anyday now your NPD forecasts will come true... maybe on your 21st try you will have success
  6. The highest growth in what?... SALES highest percentage growth in sales.... but less actual unit sales
  7. less than a year ago. Over 90% of the XB1 base games on the OG Xbox1
  8. MS unwittingly revealed that Switch had a 9% increase over last year....... while you been harping that it's in a decline
  9. Most likely he doesn't understand it. Neither does DynamiteCop. I mean look at how he got so excited and started rambling about the how the X is leading revenue
  10. Too bad NPD gives you the model breakdown as well for units and share. The red and blue Switch is the unit and share leader for thw entire year.... not the X.
  11. MS must have a serious case of blue balls, 4 years later and they still have blown their load
  12. So you were able to find players without PS4 having rocket league cross play. Sure missed PS4 huh?
  13. You don't even realize the Joke's on you guys....Tobias Isreal is laughing at you
  14. Wait, what happened to "Tobias Isreal?" You guys have been crying for almost a year about "Media Bias" .... now all of sudden you guys love the media scores
  15. Awaiting your excuses when you can't find 20 people from other factions on SW who bought Snorza Horizon 4
  16. ok, so should be easy for u to prove then
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