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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Once game releases. Prove 20 SW peeps from other factions bought this game
  2. Most of them are definitely not purchasing this.
  3. You actually think other factions care about Forza? lol
  4. You don't think a from the ground up Switch game would look better than a 3DS game?
  5. MHGU is a 3DS port Einstein. A from the ground up Switch MH game would look leagues better than a 3DS game numb nuts
  6. Actually World wide it could be either Switch or PS4 for 2018. From the numbers we have so far: Switch US + Japan = 1. 99 + 1.77 = 3.76 PS4 US + Japan 2.29 + 1.22 = 3.51
  7. No one melted down about Horizon 4. It barely registered as a blimp on the interwebs
  8. you walked right into it. Sony not only gave up the draws (cross play)... they swallowed the load too (Cross progression).... Fortnite blowing up on Switch had them shook
  9. No cross progression as yet... Fortnite will still push Switch sales until Sony implements cross progression between consoles. Don't worry... they will cave on that in record time too
  10. Switch has outsold PS4 over the summer months when cross play launched on Switch..... then BAM.. Sony caved
  11. Nah.. Fortnite on Switch forced Sony to cave in and give up the drawers like the slut that she is
  12. Fortnite has been pushing console sales, Sony saw the trend and caved in record time. Fortnite console cross play just launched over the summer... they caved quick
  13. They caved to the pressure. Spin it anyway you want. Now they still gotta implement cross progression to match what their competitors offer... so until then the marketing won't change.
  14. Sony going from saying they don't have cross play to "protect the children" and that "they don't need it because PS4 users can play with PC" to then saying "no cross play for PS4" from all that to BAM!! ... Oh look we decided to do cross play now..... that's a cave in... After taking such a hard line stance... they caved.
  15. The difference is the paid service came with those perks from day 1 of the service. Nintendo didn't have to cave to any presure to implement that. Sony has been reluctant to do cross play for a long time. The only reason they caved is because Fortnite turned in to a phenomenon + Sony's competitors supported it + Fortnite started pushing console sales (according to NPD). It was inevitable that they would cave..... it was hilarious watching cows claim Sony won't cave till PS5 though.... few months after it launched on Switch... Boom... Sony caved
  16. not interested in Minecraft. But I know it's currently the same game on PC, Xbox and Switch. PS4, Wiiu and Vita now have the legacy version.
  17. Aza was wrong again. Sony caved 🤣😂🤣😂
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