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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Your brain can't wrap around Launch month of March 2017 sold enough to cover Jan 2017 and Feb 2017. Even with a new system launch advantage in 2017 (launch period sales are higher than regular months).... 2018 is ahead.
  2. He retard. NPD said highest YTD... as in YEAR TO DATE. Meaning 2018 so far has been higher than 2017 YTD.. If they had said YOY it would be a comparison of August 17 to August 18 alone ...YTD means 2018 so far has been ahead of 2017. As far as the leaks go, the ratios were the correct. The actual leaked numbers (that came after) were lower than the actual official release.
  3. 20th consecutive month in a row he is wrong. DynamiteCop - "anyday now"
  4. NPD press release today - Switch hardware (both units and dollars) are at the highest year-to-date totals since 2011. bbbbut I think it's selling less than last year Month after month this fool is proven wrong and yet he still pulls numbers out his ass
  5. -Switch hardware (both units and dollars) are at the highest year-to-date totals since 2011. @DynamiteCop is forever wrong... my goodness.... every single month Bbbut teh decline.... Switch fell off a cliff
  6. remember when you kept saying that every Switch game would require a paywall... even the F2P games? lol
  7. 1) Lmfao at you still denying that 4.87 >> 4.7 2) Lmfao at you thinking Switch will sell LESS this holiday season compared to last Holiday Season
  8. 1) It's already ahead in 2018 by over 3%. 2) It will sell more this holiday than last holiday. 3) I just remembered you expect the Switch to sell the same rate in the 2nd half of 2018 WW as it did in the first half of 2018 WW...... Hence why you think it will end up "millions behind" in 2018 compared to 2017
  9. The tracking channels track EMA combined.. and even combined the total console userbase in the EMA region is less than the US.... of course US percentage would change it can't be the same because the rate of change every Month is not the same across every region you dense ox. In those two months (Jan and Feb) the rate of change between the US, Japan, Europe etc... did not maintain the avg rate for those 10 months. The first 10 months period includes a console launch, a shortage, a holiday spike...... Jan and Feb had neither of those.... so of co
  10. I know you're geographically challenged (you didn't know the UK sales numbers were included in European sales) You probably didn't realize that Chart track numbers include EMA (Europe Middle East and Africa) and that console gaming market is smaller than the US. You probably don't even realize that even though the US doesn't have the biggest population WW.... it does have the biggest share in the console space. Lmfao at you taking a point in time share during the launch year and extrapolating it to a different year as if it projects evenly and then using
  11. DynamiteCop first miscalculates that including Jan and Feb that Switch is down YOY WW. Bbbut teh 5%. when its actually up over 3% including Jan and Feb. He then realizes that he was wrong, so he miscalculates the percentage of the US Switch market share in 2017. He then uses that miscalculation to extrapolate that same percentage over to 2018 (Which is hilarious because even if he calculated the initial percentage correctly, it is still incorrect to extrapolate the same percentage to a different year to pull a number out your ass). Lets look at his ex
  12. My previous post already addressed all of that shit.. as seen below. You're owned as per usual. * update*The part I bolded in your response above always gets you owned. You can't take a prior percentage from a previous year and extrapolate it to assume the same percentage of sales for a different year and then use that to pull a number out your ass for "the rest of the world" Dynamite flop
  13. You can't go back in time and change the #FACTS bro
  14. You have been wrong in almost every NPD thread since the Switch launched. 19 months and counting... you been wrong almost every single month You don't get tired of making the same prediction month after month and getting owned?
  15. I already owned your ass. "bbbut down 5%" Provided links for all my numbers.... you are wrong as per always. I provided links and facts. Not arguing with your delusions bro. Lets see how many times you've been wrong about Switch sales in 2018. I would include how many times you were wrong in 2017 but that would be too much to count. Lets see.... When you claimed Switch software fell off a cliff and NPD said increased by 70%....your ass avoided the NPD thread for weeks and never posted in it. DynamiteCop WRONG Again
  16. Hey... numb nuts... from the start I was talking about global sales as stated in my post.... (I also included US to show its up there as well.) You claimed it was down over 5%.... WRONG its up globally and will continue to outsell Xbox1 globally in every region..... its on pace to surpass Xbox1 sometime in 2020. In 3 years Switch would have sold what Xbox1 sold in 6 Seems its the Xbox brand that fell off the cliff.
  17. Man owning you is so easy. Did you forget you said said this? Even if you add in February and January of 2018 it's still down 5.36% with two extra months that it didn't exist in 2017. DynamiteCop - "bbbut my Calculations said its down 5.36%" Its up over 3.6%, your dumbass can't even calculate basic shit. Not only that, the launch month sales in March 2017 would be higher than any month for obvious reasons (System launch sales are always higher than regular months) The high sales of a launch month in Ma
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