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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I see math is still not your strong point. as of Dec 30th 2017 they were at 14.86. https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/31/16954676/nintendo-switch-sales-hardware-numbers-wii-u By June 30th 2018 they were at 19.67.https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/ So from January 2018 to end of June 2018 they sold 4.87 In 2017 they were at 4.7 as of June 30th 2017. http://amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2017/07/26/nintendo-switch-sales-5 4.87 million >>>> 4.7 million. That equals to a 3.6% increase.
  2. This the percentages are Hardware sales you slow mother fucker... read it again... direct from NPD. July’s NPD. YoY:Switch: +18%3DS: -20%PS4: -14%Xbox One: +16% Hey... retard... did you miss where I said it was ALSO ahead Worldwide? Switch is ahead YTD WW compared to last year. The Software piece I added in to show you the entire platform is ahead YOY... both hardware and software. (Don't think we forgot you claimed software also fell off a cliff... and then you avoided the NPD thread once the numbers came out that said
  3. You have the memory of a single cell organism. July’s NPD. YoY:Switch: +18%3DS: -20%PS4: -14%Xbox One: +16% its also ahead YOY in Japan and Europe. You have it in your head that Switch is falling off a cliff, too bad reality doesn't match up for you. Software sales have more than doubled too. “Nintendo is the top-selling full game software publisher for both July and year to date,” said Piscatella. “Nintendo Switch is the only platform showing year-on-year growth in full-game dollar sales with gains o
  4. How can the Switch be slowing down when it's up YOY WW? Its like you just love to deny FACTS. By March 2019 Switch will sell WW what the XB1 has sold in 5 years. By Launch of new Xbox1 in 2020 Switch will have surpassed Xbox1. The mean cost of an Xbox1 doesn't mean shit for purching because individual customers aren't paying a mean price. They are paying a price per console. OG Xbox1 and Xbox1 S are cheaper than a Switch. 2 out of 3 Xbox1s available to consumers on shelves are cheaper than a Switch. You can deny
  5. 19 months anf counting. and every month DynamiteCop makes the same prediction
  6. Currently still Japan only and a few games just like 3DS. Talk to me in a few years when this becomes mainstream WW
  7. yes... just as clear as the 3DS streaming games that remained Japan only... clearly!!!
  8. and the Xbox streaming app will be on Switch..... owned
  9. Defending streaming for an entire platform.... while knocking Japan only streaming for one or two games.
  10. another Japan only streaming game.... just like the 3DS that had a few Japan only streaming games.
  11. 5 cents a day... but that sucks that the cloud back up get knixed.
  12. Hardware Sales Ratio for the month of August. NS: 13DS: 0.35PS4: 0.97XBox One: 0.8Other: 1.39 There goes Switch falling off that cliff again *updated with leaked numbers PS4 199kSW 205kXB1 165k3DS 72k
  13. They're not mainline content in Switch either.... wtf... lol
  14. alot if these games are already on steam and PS4. They're being ported now to switch and Xbox1. Not rocket science.
  15. The FF games are also coming to Xbox1 and PS4. DynamiteCop can go back to liking it now.
  16. Yes..so that means they're 2020 games
  17. The FF games releasing in the system is a bad thing now? lol.... ok bro...
  18. FF VII to XII on the Switch is actually not a bad thing.
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