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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. There's already a thread bro... will merge it. *Actually I won't merge it... you actually posted a link to the vid... unlike that other thread
  2. DynamiteCop retarded...what's new? lol Switch, PS4 and Xbox1 are competing for consumers dollars, time within the same videogame market. All 3 get compared by NPD, Media create and Chart track for trends, sales and or data for the current generation. His semantics doesn't change reality.... delusional Cop
  3. It wasn't going to change anyway. 2 posters crying about getting owned cannot dictate the policies of the board.
  4. DynamiteCop was finally right about something.... well look at that.
  5. Just finished a crazy post game platforming section Will start godmaster soon
  6. Congratulations lemcels on finally getting a Banger* Banger status pending*
  7. it was announced as a stand alone game at E3.... Getting it this month.
  8. Jonb1 won't be playing this. There is no easy mode...
  9. post a source for that, and no.. your ass doesn't count as a valid source.
  10. finally JonB1 doesn't have to lie about playing the game "forever ago"
  11. No wonder publishers aren't sending XB1 versions to reviewers
  12. On Meta Divinity II has a 95 Meta on Xbox1, compared to a 93 Meta on PS4. Teh conspiracy of CBS inactive, keeping the XB1 version score higher than PS4
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