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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I never claimed Gamepass was coming to Switch or XCloud.. Nintendo would never go for that... You're just fishing for argument now. I Said MS would publish games on Switch and they did... I also said XBL achievements were coming those games. The extent to how many games they published wasn't as much as expected but they did publish games. XBL achievements were planned and announced for some of those games... But never actually came to pass. See unlike you I can admit when something I said doesn't pan out exactly how I expected.
  2. Anyway LemiJ.. Enjoy the wait for Nintendo and Sony to release their big first party games day one on a service like gamepass. Not going back and forth with your dumbass about stupid shit. Sony and Nintendo are eating, MS's model isn't working... Its not growing anymore.. It's shrinking But like I said.. Enjoy the wait.
  3. And there it is... Now it doesn't matter when it happens That's like saying it doesn't matter when this cliff comes.. It will happen... Lmfao. In 2 to 3 generations if it does happen LemiJ will come in here..saying seee.... I was right all along lmfao.
  4. I guess GD is butt blasted too because he remembers it was being said..... Its not happening this gen or next gen. And no one else on this boards was pushing that BS argument
  5. It's not happening next generation either dip shit Nintendo and Sony are more successful than ever before. They're not doing day 1 releases on any sort of game pass service until their 1st party games stop selling gangbusters for a generation. Good luck waiting on that top happen. P.S. Wtf is up with your obsession with Jehurey..... He has nothing to do with the claims YOU MADE. If your have issues with him talk to him about it, not me
  6. What does Jehurey have to do with NO ONE CARING THAT THE GAME WAS EMULATED ON PC? I don't think I have one post in that Zelda on PC thread because just like the general gaming public... I DIDN'T CARE. The game sold 10 million sold on Switch in 3 days.... It being emulated on PC was and is a total non factor to almost everyone.
  7. Apparently LemiJ is saying it didn't happen now....Riiiiiiiiggghhhhhttt. GD ks lying too right LemiJ?
  8. Remember Xbox won one or two NPDs earlier in the fiscal year and both you and Ghostz would celebrate each time that happened... You guys both started getting drunk off the BS and proclaimed Sony wouldn't make their fiscal years target of 18 million. And now you're pretending you never said Sony and Nintendo would copy MS by releasing big first party games day 1 on a gamepass clone? You have no dignity to stand on what you say worm. WTF does Jehurey have to do with what you said?..... Bro seek help
  9. Keep note after a few upgrades he moves to another spot on the map... He tells you where or hints it.
  10. I just added one extra melee weapon and bow slot. I have over 20 something Korok seeds but the guy changed locations after I upgraded too much.. Lol Haven't gotten to weapon repair yet.... At like 15 to 20 shrines. Have only been getting in some game time here and there.
  11. Sony gives you older games. Gamepass gives you 1st party games day 1 on Gamepass. Nintendo and Sony sell millions of first party games at launch. They're not going to a gamepass model.
  12. Let's not forget Sony and Nintendo will abandon their model to copy MS and gamepass anyday now....
  13. Nah he is right... Remember you and Lemij thought PS5 wouldn't make it goals and that Xbox series S/X would have a great year sales wise? Anyways...... You coincidentally left out a very important Line from the report. "Double-digit percentage growth in both PS5 and Switch dollar sales offset declines on other platforms." Double digit percentage growth for PS and Nintendo..... Declines in Xbox Nintendo and Sony abandoning their model and adopting MS's gamepass model anyday now.
  14. You hit the nail on the head. The platform itself was the flop. Not the games. Nintendo had the reverse issue that Microsoft has.... Microsoft has the platform.. But don't have the killer games. What makes it worse for Microsoft is that they believe that killer games won't be enough to save the platform... They view the Series X platform as a failure when it's actually a games issue.. Basically MS has misread what thier root issues are.
  15. He mentions it... But unfortunately for you.. As his report says... It wasn't what started the FBI investigation
  16. @Cooke since you want to play dumb as to why you stopped posting Twitter files.. Read above Oh how could I forget that after Matt got exposed in the MSNBC interview... Musk deleted all the Twitter Files threads from Twitter and then throws Matt under the bus by posting the DMs between them.
  17. That's not what happened. Both the Twitter Files reporters realized Musk was full of shit. The first one she left after her first Twitter file thread because Musk was straight up banning Journalists who did investigative reporting and calling out his BS story when he claimed someone attacked his family. And then Matt went on a show I believe on MSNBC for an interview and all the holes, contradictions and false hoods from the Twitter Files were exposed.... Musk killed Twitter files... And him and Matt started beefing. Once the entire got exposed as
  18. I mean you claim you're going by the Durham report.... But yet you don't want to actually go by what the report says? Strange.
  19. The FBI investigation didn't start from a pee tape though. Do you even know what's in the Durham report? Wait who am I kidding of course not "interestingly, actually it says makes sense for the FBI to have examined this initial tip they got from an Australian diplomat, which, frankly, is in some ways a walk-back from other suggestions Durham has made in the past."
  20. Where is your dumbass getting that from? Durham's report didn't say that, Mueller didn't say that, the DOJ independent council didn't say that. Oh wait a YouTube video said it.. Must be true. You're so fucking stupid and don't even READ publicly available information before you come rushing in with your dumbass as takes.
  21. The Twitter Files crashed and burned when it turned out that they cherry picked and twisted info to form a narrative and the Truth came out that Twitter wasn't actually censoring anyone on behalf of the government. Until Musk took over that is and he started censoring left and right. And coincidentally that's when you stopped posting about the Twitter Files
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