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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. So did Durham say that there was no reason that the FBI should have been looking at the Trump — Trump campaign? The report, interestingly, actually says it makes sense for the FBI to have examined this initial tip they got from an Australian diplomat, which, frankly, is in some ways a walk-back from other suggestions Durham has made in the past. as I read the Durham report, his argument is the FBI should have opened a preliminary report, as — preliminary investigation, as opposed to a full investigation. Cooke
  2. Cooke... that some dude was Durham you dip shit "His criticism of the FBI is centred around the bureau’s decision to launch a full counterintelligence probe into the campaign and Russia, rather than a preliminary one.... he admits that a preliminary investigation was justified." His actual report says the an investigation was warranted. See this is what happens when you get all your news from YouTube videos
  3. Well she actually sourced the report dipshit. Did you source the YouTube vid? His actual report says the investigations was warranted but he felt it should be a PI instead of an FI. It's being spun that because he said he didn't see the need for an FI that it means the entire investigation wasn't warranted.... Which again is not what the report says.
  4. So you're saying previous Twitter management went above and beyond to fight against the Turkish government censorship but Musk is just cucking to them? Sad.
  5. @Cooke how come you stopped reporting on the Twitter Files? Strange
  6. Cooke once again not reading what he is actually posting about... And relying on YouTube vids to source all his information. Shocker. After claiming he would find a corruption in the FBI and that there would be indictments..... 0 indictments, 0 instances of corruption. Durham concludes that the investigation by the FBI of Trump was warranted. But He felt the investigation should have been a PI instead of and FI.... The major difference between the two is the length of time. But again he found
  7. Bro you already said earlier in thread you were You Tubing solutions to certain puzzles.... Do you. No need to try to qualify now that you were drunk.. Lol Enjoy the game how you want to.
  8. That's a lot of YouTube videos you're watching then
  9. I think im at about 11 shrines.. Just started the 12th.. Lol
  10. Yes, it Is bundled together with 3D world but It's a separate game. Unfortunately you can't purchase one without the other.
  11. 3D world comes with Bowsers fury. Brand new 3D Mario game... Open consistent world... Its on the short side but worth it if you can find it for cheap.
  12. There are 3 of them. I only played the brand new one... Kirby Forgotten land. This was the first 3D Kirby game. The game was stellar... Like most Kirby games starts off easy then ramps up. The post game content was basically star road from Super Mario world but for Kirby.... With much harder bosses and stages than the main game.... Highly recommend it. I believed @-GD-X loved this game too
  13. I played it solely docked. HH mode for that game.. It's bad, they went all out in docked mode and had to scale it down in HH mode. This game launched a few months after the system came out when they were figuring out how to balance the two modes. Frame rate is fine but the res drops waaaay too low in portable mode of Xenoblade 2
  14. You bought a TOTK themed Switch and the game to own the sheep. The dedication to own the sheep must be commended
  15. That's the spoiler I was alluding to a few weeks ago. The paths to get to your destination sometimes are are so robust and intricate it might as well be an outdoor dungeon.
  16. Here’s a tip, there are parts of the mountain that aren't icy... Look closely.
  17. The guardians from BOTW are back in the game? Nice
  18. Haven't gone to a dungeon as yet just doing shrines so far But it needs to be said... Told you so....glad you're enjoying it
  19. The shrine puzzles do require some out of the box thinking to solve.. Loving them so far
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