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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Trump didn't do what he said. Where was the Healthcare plan? He ran and getting rid of Obama care and putting in his own plan.... When the time came for him and his administration to develop a plan... This doofus literally said "health care is hard, no one knows how hard it is" Where was the infrastructure plan Trump ran on? Every year all he did was hold an infrastructure week and when it came time to actually develop a plan he couldo even get the ball rolling. And nothing was done with Infustructure for the entire 4 years kf his presidency.
  2. I already pointed out that certain demanding early PS4 games didn't run well because obviously the Switch 1 wasn't as powerful. But a ton of other early gen PS4 games did run well on Switch. Expecting Switch 2 to be within the same ball park as the OG Switch is retarded. Expecting Switch 2 to be as powerful as a PS5 is also retarded and delusional. It will most likely be a good medium inbetween system just like the OG was almost 7 ago.
  3. Switch can already do early gen PS4. If that what they're aiming for they might as well keep the same Switch for another gen..lol
  4. Now I didn't say Native 1080p now did I. It reconstructs to 1080p. Majority of games these days use reconstruction and the reconstructed number is what everyone has been going by. It doesn't drop everytime you move, it drops res in certain situations if there is alot going on in the scene when the camera pans.
  5. It's a mobile system, no mobile system can or will be as powerful as a regular system of the same gen. But Day 1 it was more powerful than the previous gen at the time (PS3/360). Which was a first for a handheld system. And was powerful enough to get full console games day 1. Even current gen games at the time (PS4/Xbox1) could run on the Switch. Yes it wasn't Powerful enough to run demanding PS4 games and some of the demanding ports ran like trash.... But outside of those in general it was getting full current gen console games that couldn't run and the
  6. Yes he cried "bbbbut you're a nasty woman Bro CNN did him a favor by giving him a platform to hold the town hall. They did soft ball questions. And they literally told the crowd not to boo only cheer and filled it with his supporters. I know you don't pay attention to things but CNN's new leadership is going more center right. That's fine it's a private company they can do as they please. But seriously Are you child? Do you hear yourself? He owned her all Night? Is that the mindset you have about this?.... Teh ownage? It's a to
  7. Trump is all talk and no delivery. Had no health care plan, didn't build the wall, Mexico didn't pay for shit, had no infustructure plan and the list goes on and on. So since it's so clear to you. What is policy and agenda for his reelection? All the tangible things he plans to accomplish and how will he accomplish it. What's his actual plan? What is he running on? Tell us.
  8. Mr tough guy Trump, making fun of handicaps, attacking everyone, interrupting everyone etc can't handle some soft ball questions and immediately cries like a snowflake? ... Bbbbbut she is nasty for asking questions and fact checking my lies
  9. You're probably the last person on earth who thinks Trump is an honest person. Even his most delusional followers admit he is pathological liar and they don't give a shit because they're all in on his cult of personality.
  10. A rude bitch? You're saying that in regards to someone else and not Trump in a non ironic manner
  11. You're so delusional, Trump is literally the biggest bullshit artist of the century...straight forward would mean he is telling the truth.
  12. The system is going in 7 years old Genius... Lol TOTK runs at 1080p docked, 720p mobile.
  13. I will say this though. The versatility of the Switch as a console and a handheld make is the most versatile system of all time.
  14. Metroid Prime had a higher avg review score I believe... But your point is still taken.
  15. That 13th seed team got traded away at the deadline. Totally different Lakers team. Rob palinker did his thing at the trade deadline. Props.
  16. The Warriors Dynasty supposedly ended when they lost to the Lakers in the play in and then warriors lost to Memphis in the next play in game. It supposedly ended when they didn't make the playoffs the following year and had the worst record in the league.......... and then bam they were champs last year. They just need to retool the supporting cast for next season and the Warriors will be in the mix again next year.
  17. RFK is a Manchurian candidate... Shocker.
  18. Lmfao Cooke is so fucking stupid... He believed that 300k number.... He thinks this war is a dynasty warriors videogame or something
  19. That's how it works. RFK made the claim, he has to show it's true with facts and such you're his supporter who thinks ita true.... Show us how it's correct with facts.
  20. I appreciate both approaches. I loved that BOTW left it up to the player to guide themselves through the world... Which brought me back to the same feeling with Zelda 1 on the NES. The guided approach like TOTK works when it well done but falls flat when it's not like in sky ward sword.
  21. Both great games with different approaches at this start. So far TOTK is more "guided" than BOTW.
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