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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Doesn’t matter. Same score. If Hellblade a flop, stellar blade is an even bigger one. :D 


    I also bet you an sig bet @FIREPOWER has already beat half of Hellblade. :vince:


    Oh now it doesn't matter?


    Metacritic score doesn't finalize day of release genius... Reviews just started popping up a few hrs ago. 


    Hope you enjoy the day watching the score go down further:kaz:

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    Lmfao am I supposed to care how they feel? If the game was set in Africa and every character looked like a sambo gorilla face no on in japan would feel offended and play it with no issues. 


    I like how you're moving the goal post to them not properly portraying what life would be like for an African in feudal Japan. Despite the fact you haven't played the game or even know what that would be like for reference.


    I assume there would have been a lot of racism and scandal. And putting that in the game would make all of the people already upset about this even more upset, including the Japanese. This is why normal people can't take reactionary people seriously. Y'all will always find something to be upset about. It's a fools errand. 


    Then you finish off about the redundancy of AC games as if anyone in 2024 is expecting an evolutionary leap in the game mechanics. Again, you guys get upset first reaction, then spend all of your time reverse engineering why you're upset. 


    But here's the thing, Japanese people aren't upset by this. 


    Yasuke is a very well known figure in Japan that has been in numerous Japanese games, movies, books etc. 


    He was most recently in NIOH, you know that Japanese centric game with a white protagonist. A game non of these cry babies cried about. Yusake was in it as a Japanese villain... That was cool with them I guess. 


    But him being one of the protagonist? Naah that's taking it too far... Lol


    Malacries need to focus on more important things. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Wait the new ass creed game has a black samurai ninja? How fucking stupid is that. Couldn't they actually save that for a game set in Africa.


    Ass creed has already been set in Africa. 


    When the game was set in Africa, the protagonist was white. 


    Im sure you were outaged. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


    I hate to rain on your parade but if you look up what japanese players themselves think of this character you'll find that their opinions are generally pretty negative.


    That's not what I've seen.  Yasuke is a very well known figure in Japan that has been in numerous Japanese games, movies, books etc. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    LMFAO :tom:


    So.... you can't post where I say it's gameplay...... and instead you post a thread where I say "It's indicative of a cutscene" :kaz:  Great L there bud.


    And then you bring up me saying they made something that looks better than Ghost of Tsushima............ when the actual game we're seeing now STILL ABSOLUTELY SHITS ON Ghost of Tsushima visually :drake: 


    Also, just because the guy said "the trailer was all they had" when they announced it doesn't mean that what was there.... wasn't actually created for the game... and being rendered by the engine.  Again, where do I say it's gameplay :drake: 


    The funniest thing though.. about you posting those quotes from those threads.... are the people were saying back then that it wasn't that impressive :rofl: :rofls: 


    You're twisting into pretzels 🥨 trying to explain your way out of it, try harder chump :tom:

  6. 3 hours ago, Remij said:


    Yeah yeah... pull up the threads where I supposedly said this shit clowns :roll:


    Since you asked sooo politely. 


    On 2019-12-14 at 5:59 AM, Remij said:



    I remember when you were talking shit about Ninja Theory being a small studio meaning that they couldn't be working on multiple projects and that anything they made wouldn't be AAA looking quality....  then they come out with literally the best looking thing and make Ghost of Tsushima look like garbage :kaz: 



    On 2019-12-18 at 6:09 PM, Remij said:









    If you guys don't believe it.  That's cool..  The engine IS rendering those visuals though :bena: 


    On 2019-12-18 at 6:45 PM, lynux3 said:

    The lead sound designer removed "real-time" from his Facebook post. Looks like the lemmings got fooled. :mj:


    On 2019-12-18 at 6:49 PM, Remij said:

    Interesting that it was there in the first place :bena: 


    On 2019-12-18 at 6:55 PM, Remij said:


    The team pulled off some incredible dark magic to make this look incredible....  That's not something you'd say for a pre-rendered video :hest: 



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  7. 4 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You don't think it's a possibility they replace him? He's losing every battleground state except Wisconsin. 


    You've been saying for almost a year that Biden wouldn't debate based on wishful thinking...surprise surprise you were wrong again. 


    Now you're back with this nonsense that they will replace Biden with Gavin just 2 months before the election.  Do you actually hear the nonsense your right wing fees has you believing? 

  8. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Biden should have a bigger lead but he really dropped the ball when it came to Israel and Gaza


    Those opinion polls mean nothing unless there's a vote behind it...


    Hillary was far and away the winner in opinion polling and lost. 


    Trump was supposed to beat Biden the first time.. What happened?  He lost. 


    Remember the red wave? Opinion polling said Democrats were supposed to loose big, what happened?  The red wave never materialized. 


    Remember all special elections in 2022 - 2023....the MAGA candidates were supposed to dominate based on opinion polling? What happened?  Oh yea they lost the majority of elections. 



  9. 16 hours ago, Cooke said:

    Weird cause Trump professed his love for Johnson and MTG still tries to boot him. 


    Prior to that Trump was shitting on Johnson hence MTG going after him. Now that Johnson and Trump have a bromance again.. MTG will back off. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    More than Samsung ships Galaxy S devices :tom: 


    Just one device the galaxy s24 alone is selling more than 13x of what Xbox sold that quarter :will:


    Samsung had to readjust its sales target for the first quarter. The company initially expected to sell 12 million units, but this number was adjusted to 13 million units.



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