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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Nah you were shut the fuck up when you got banned... Hence why you're back here
  2. They cared so much about what you had to say that they banned and laughed you out the forum Did I stutter? Run along twirp.
  3. The beginning sky island and first 3 shrines are just to introduce you to the mechanics.... After that the game opens up fully.
  4. You're a joke kid. Stay, go... I don't give a shit because you're a joke through and through be it on this site or whatever site you post at now or in the future. Everyone sees through your act.. It's old and tired. Now run along.
  5. I'm Laughing at your pathetic ass for getting banned and laughed out another forum only for you to crawl back in here Could care less if you get banned or not here in any event you're the forum punching bag Go play in traffic or something kid.
  6. Lying J is back at it, bbbbut I never said you brought up Redfall : Your act is boring and played out now kid. Go kick rocks.
  7. Was that stigma for 30fps vast open world games there last gen, the gen before or is that stigma for these new systems only?
  8. "Bbbut you immediately brought up Redfall and Microsoft" Where Bitch? You're so blinded by your bullshit you're seeing shit that isn't there. Your slimy ass had to crawl back here because once again you got laughed out and banned from yet another forum
  9. Nice try twirp... You got curb stomped, banned and laughed out other forums within months of joining... Pathetic chump
  10. That persecution complex is showing.... Where did I post about Redfall in this thread? Go search the internet for another message board for you run away to.. Only to be banned within a couple of months again
  11. You're not fooling anyone. You're a laughing stock and banned on multiple message boards ... How pathetic is that?
  12. On my way to the third shrine on the tutorial islands. This entire section is just to get you familiar with the new base mechanics and abilities. Will dive deeper into it tonight before playoff basketball.
  13. Lmfao they had to increase Redfall res and reduce Zelda's to try to make a misguided point. Damn lemmings are salty as fuck Only if the resolution alone would make a game a great game
  14. Have you ever seen me say I love Biden? There's no cult over here. The right is so caught up in the cult of personality with Trump they think both sides do that shit. You're totally lost in the cult. Hey at least after denying it for over a year you can admit that you do love and support Trump
  15. Not really they played a handful of games together and have no bench. When he was up on the warriors 3-1 and lost was his most embarrassing.
  16. 7 years ago... Pfft only 720p screen why didn't Nintendo launch with a 1080p screen..... Fast forward today.... Now we're seeing why.
  17. They both were ridiculed to hell and back and banned over there. Both of them are considered laughing stocks. Imagine leaving to try to get a fresh start and you still ended up getting clowned and banned on a new site in less than 6 months.
  18. Damn homie. Motion sickness from 3rd person games too?
  19. Yea, you came crawling back because you got OWNED and banned at the other sites that you post on. Pathetic lil worm
  20. Yup.... PC games are in bad shape... Almost all the PC versions of games have been broken for 2023. Lemmings and Hermits are having a terrible 2023 so far
  21. 1080p screen at that size is not worth the trade off needed for decent battery life and good performance. Nintendo got it right 7 years ago and Valve as well most recently with the deck by going 720p to 800p screen with the deck.
  22. Look who crawled back from under a rock....Lemij. You came crawling back like you got banned at the other sites you were posting at or something
  23. Just came back from picking up my physical copy from the midnight launch. Will pop it kn for a bit
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