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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. What he would do? Were you under a rock the 4 years he was President? Or how about the last 2.5 years of him as a past president? Are you expecting something different from Trump at this point?
  2. He is literally holding on to the past.
  3. . Trust me I get your point too. Not downplaying the jobs that require what you're speaking of because I did those type of jobs at various points in my life and I know how hard those are as well.
  4. Yup, once you become a subject matter expert it looks easy to people on the outside but they didn't see the years upon years of hardwork it took to get to this point.
  5. Lmfao... No it's not easy mode and no im not useless. I'm responsible for ensuring that my state meets certain federal mandates to secure millions in federal funding to serve the general public in my state. I worked very hard to get where I'm at (2 degrees) and actually just signed up for more courses to further my career. Would have been 2 years into my PhD if not for the pandemic. Monday's I do my analysis first thing when I get in and provide feedback on the trends, gaps and areas of improvements etc. The new guys on the team take a fu
  6. It does hurt him in a general election. The only people that loved it are people who already were supporting him no matter what he does. For everyone else, it pushes them further away. I mean it been almost 3 years and he still cannot admit that he lost and is still pushing the election lie that Fox just paid 3/4 of a billion for spreading. The Republican part deserves this, they created this monster.
  7. All round 2 series are going 6 games and some might be 7. Great round 2 so far.
  8. Don't hate because I like GD has a good enough job where we can game in the office from time to time while making bank
  9. On Monday's my boss works from home. So I'll be bringing in my Switch to the office on Monday and getting about 4 to 5 hrs in on it... Lol
  10. I went physical so I'll be picking it up tomorrow morning at 10am....maybe I should call to see if they're doing a mid night launch. Im working from home tomorrow. Will get a few hrs in before my son comes home from school. I'll really be able to dive in on Friday night
  11. Recap: 900p docked, uses AMD FSR1 to reach 1080p. 720p portable. Pre-release patch has addressed nearly all instances of frame loss. mostly solid 30 fps. Using 'ultra-hand feature' in dense arrasycan cause drops (due to double-buffer vsync). Exceptionally polished. No bugs or unexpected behaviour.
  12. PS4 – 2,067 Xbox Series S – 674 Xbox Series X – 650 Xbox losing to PS4
  13. Yea if they added dungeons it would be a solid 10, but there's no evidence that they added those..... Ohh wait.
  14. For an adult with a full time job, kids and a family etc...you can't be wasting your gaming time and money on 4.0 and 6.0 games.
  15. Ohhh now no one was actually outraged.... So it was a fake outage by thw republicans just like I said Houses, Restaurants, Hospitals, Factories etc can still chose to use gas stoves in NY last I checked. You're trying hard and failing as always.
  16. Nothing is wrong with being critical.... But I said he was being preemptively so.
  17. Who was really outraged? You can't seem to answer that question. Almost 70% of American don't use gas stoves.... So who was outraged across the nation? No one was... It was all fake outrage that republicans realized wasn't sticking so they dropped it. Apparently you didn't get the memo
  18. Can you actually bring something tangible for once and not simply talking points? According to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, there were 15 bank failures from the time Trump took office in January 2017 to when he left office in January 2021. In 2 years under biden, 2 bank failures So according to you great job numbers mean nothing, historically low unemployment means nothing, the US economy currently outperforming pre-pandemic levels means nothing, out performing the majority of the rest of the western world means nothing....
  19. That's alot of denial and spin to avoid saying they're no Xbox games on the list
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