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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Microsoft now calls their first party games Xbox games.... You should know that as a lemming So again I ask, where are the Xbox games on that list?
  2. Those are 3rd party games on Switch, Playstation, Xbox, PC etc... Where are the Xbox games?
  3. It's only been a few months, real investigations take time. These are real concrete charges, specific dates, specific dollar amounts etc. If Santos is found guilty his seat will be up for grabs.
  4. The size of the U.S economy is now over 5 percent above its 2019 level. Core inflation in the United States is now lower than in many major advanced economies. The U.S. labor market recovery has been exceptionally strong. US economy right now is doing 5.6% better than it's pre-pandemic levels, that coupled with record breaking Jobs numbers plus record low unemployment...
  5. Spell correct on my phone. You notice the fake outrage for the national ban died out real quickly right? For a number of reasons.. Almost 70% of Americans do not use gas stoves. So who where are the people that were actually outraged?..... Where are they? Oh wait there was nothing to be really outraged for and again the Majority of Americans don't even use it. The Republicans realized quickly that this fake outrage thing for gas stoves wasn't sticking.. So they moved on to something else. What's even funnier was a state like Flo
  6. No that's your dumbass lack of understanding... I never implied conspiracy theories or anything of the sort. I said fake outage.... Which as you proved today is still a fake outage
  7. His constituents and the Nassau County GOP wanted him to resign because of his fraudulent activities.... He refused.
  8. Conspiracy? No one said that. Oh you're already at the point where you have to make shit up because you have no point? Lol I said fake outage...and it still is fake outage. Your dumbass thought you had something.. Lol
  9. No Evidence of dungeons he says.
  10. Only 30 something percent of Americans use gas stoves... So what exactly is NY doing this for a small subset of buildings going to do? Oh nothing because you can still choose to use a gas stove in your house if you want to. Your dumbass thought you had something
  11. Strange that you didn't have this reaction for the Sony financials thread
  12. Again you're downplaying the best rated game of the year so far (Metroid Prime). Xenoblade 3 future redeemed released in April and is longer than most AAA games. I didn't list all the games...there was also Fire Emblem Engage, Octopath 2, Bayonetta engage etc. May just started and Switch would have already had 4 to 5 great exclusives and some decent 3rd party games. Which other system has that many exclusives barely 5 months in the year?
  13. Yup, This is the last year of OG Switch as the main Nintendo system.
  14. Switch Hardware - Q4 - 3.07M FY23 - 17.97M LTD - 125.62M Software - 1.036 Billion YTD Over 114 million active users
  15. You guys joke but ironically that's what they were going for.... Its advertised as being 24 Fps... I kid you not... Lol Digital foundry spoke about it this week said the developer made that choice and it would have worked for this type of game......... BUT they still fucked it up having it frame paced incorrectly
  16. He is such a cock roach. Now he wants to piggy back off switch to hide from Xbox's failure.
  17. You don't have a point because this is for small subset of small buildings only. No houses, no restaurants, hospitals, factories etc. Read beyond a headline dipshit
  18. Lmfao @ using SW as some sort of barometer.... This site only has a handful of people and a few of us from that handful played Xenoblade 3. Are you daft? I listed one remaster and 2 new games. And that one remaster was rated better than the other remasters/remakes you listed Point is PS5 is having a great year and so is Switch. PS5's year should be better as it's a much newer console and much more powerful..... This is year 7 for Switch and it's still having a good year.
  19. This is not a federal nationwide ban, this is NY only and it's only for BUILDINGS, NOT HOUSES. Does not apply to manufacturing facilities, restaurants, hospitals, and carwashes amongst some other commercial buildings. And only applies to smaller Buildings. Lmfao you thought you had something... Reading is essential dip shit.
  20. That RPG that no one played has sold almost 2 million and is sitting at 91%. It has outsold and outscored the majority of RPGs you play Lmfao at you trying to downplay Metroid Prime remaster... All The assets etc were remade from the ground up and it's the highest rated game of the year. Switch is about to have the biggest release of the year so far this week. Switch is having a great year... And so is PS5.
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