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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Lemmings don't be afraid, you're safe in this thread. You can share your traumatic soul crushing stories of expecting a game to be AAA only for it to score 4.0. Or the years long droughts that leaving you feeling like quoting gaming. You can vent here safely.
  2. Xenoblade 3 runs and look great on the OG Switch. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2022-xenoblade-chronicles-3-nintendo-switch-tech-review Xenoblade Chronicles 3: how Monolith Soft pushes its Switch technology to the next level Xenoblade 3, however, represents a colossal leap forward in that respect. Monolith has both improved the overall visual quality while greatly boosting image quality, achieving this via what looks like a temporal super-resolution solution, taking those lower pixel counts up to a passable rendition of 1080p when docked and 720p in port
  3. Production was halted for two years. By the time the movie comes out it would be almost 4 years since the incident. Stop being retarded.
  4. If someone dies at your job, does your company fire everyone and send them home on unemployment? Are you a functioning Adult or a fucking child? How are you so ignorant about everything?
  5. Jason Lee got shot and died on set. The movie resumed filming. You're ignorant on this like you are with everything.
  6. Launched 4/25 91 on Meta https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/xenoblade-chronicles-3-expansion-pass-wave-4---future-redeemed Another Switch banger
  7. After Hot Sauce plays it for 200 Hrs... Pfft... Overrated I hate it.
  8. And so does the game.. Which the OP said is better..... Soo that can't be it
  9. Another record month on the Jobs report. I remember when Twinblade didn't post immediately starting caring about the Job report on January 21st 2021....at no point before that did he care... But for some odd reason be started on thst date. Needless to say a few months later he stopped caring about once it was month after month of improvement.
  10. Majority of movies resume filming after someone dies be it on set or off set.
  11. Bump it... And he didn't pardon him... He was looking at options to assassinate him.
  12. Free throw disparity gone + AD apparently was a DNP today...did he even play? Blow out game that was over before the 4th Qtr even started.
  13. Lmfao at your appeal of ignorance.... Comrade Cooke
  14. Someone needs to do a wellness check on Slow Jonny. Dude built his real life around Xbox, he will not take this news well. He abandoned his family for Xbox, only for Xbox to turn around an abandon him. Poor schmuck
  15. LemiJ, slow Jonny, Ghostz and DynamiteCuck have been forever destroyed. LemiJ - "Nintendo and Sony will copy MS gamepass model anyday now"
  16. Oh you care about Assange now? Didn't hear a peep from you about him for 4 years when Trump were president. How did you feel when Trump ignored him for four years on freedom of press day? How did you feel when Trump administration and Senior CIA officials discussed abducting and even assassinating WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, according to a US report citing former officials. The then CIA director, Mike Pompeo, and his top officials were furious about WikiLeaks’ publication of “Vault 7”, a set of CIA hacking tools, a breach which the agency deemed to
  17. And was there a 23 FT disparity average for the king series as well? Not only that, you can't compare the ridiculous fast pace that Kings play at to the Lakers half court offense. Warriors were reaching that entire series with the kings on every blow by. With the Lakers, they need to contest with their hands straight up to reduce the amount of times they send the Lakers to the line. Obviously the Lakers STILL will go to the line more times than warriors because of the style they play.... But that doesn't mean they can't reduce the amount of fouls they're
  18. @Tears of the Cows is such a pathetic lil worm.
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