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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The Lakers have the paint advantage and the Warriors have the perimeter advantage. That 29 to 6 free throw disparity though. Warriors just need to defend without fouling and they'll be just fine.
  2. Yes we're awaiting for your dumbass to get a fucking clue about anything, something for once. Surprise us and actually have an intelligent thought about something.
  3. Here we ago again... I just posted about this in the other thread. Are you special needs? Dishonest or just have the memory of a gold fish? You're once again bringing up a topic you already got obliterated on, which you ran away from and now acting as if it wasn't discussed already. Surrendering land/surrendering to Russia isn't peace. Peace is Russia leaving Ukraine and ending the invasion. We have been through this a million times... Yet.. You're here pretending we haven't and now also misrepresenting my position. I'm leaning
  4. Cooke... Im beginning to think you're on the spectrum. You rehash the same threads over and over. You get curb stomped in the thread.. Run away.... What a while... Make the same thread again and pretend you didn't just get destroyed about the same topic. Rinse and repeat. Make a well research, substantive point for once in your autistic life.
  5. Twinblade is not a warmonger neither am I. You go right to dishonesty.... Your go to ploy when you get destroyed.
  6. Your stupidity knows no end At least you dropped the impartiality act. Lol
  7. Even Twinblade realizes how fucking stupid you are
  8. So you don't call out insanity wherever it exists but only cherry pick on one side....Shocker!!!!
  9. There's a infinite amount of insanity with the MAGA, QAnon, Extreme Right and Republican base. Yet... For some odd reason... You never seem to call that out. That's strange... Real strange.
  10. Ohhhh McCaul is calling for more Ukraine aide in Feb 2023..... Awww That's cute Just last year both those two same republicans were complaining that we were sending too much aide to Ukraine and with a new republican house they were going to reduce the amount of Aide. 1) McCaul: "We’re not going to write a blank check to Ukraine" 2) "The issue, obviously, is we don't need to pass large Democrat bills that have been passed, to send $8 billion to Ukraine," Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said" Fast forward to 2023 now they want send more a
  11. Ohh look the delusional Twinblade is back So now Biden is slow rolling Ukraine and not giving them ENOUGH AIDE... While Republicans are the ones calling for more aide at a faster pace? Lmfao You have been following the Ukraine Russia situation too closely for over a year to come post this Bullshit revisionist history nonsense... The Republicans can fool low information slobs and their base with this BS that the Republicans were the ones pushing for more support of Ukraine all along... But unfortunately there's over a years worth
  12. What does vice doing an Ill advised interview have to do with which party is actually driving the support of Ukraine? Or which base is overwhelmingly supporting Ukraine? Nice try though.
  13. LOL No wonder devs keep releasing broken games, you guys just gobble it up.
  14. The game leaked already and has been data mined and the first dungeon was streamed Twinblade - Bbbut there's no evidence, if it wasn't in that small preview it doesn't exist.
  15. Your act is beyond pathetic now
  16. That's where you're missing the point of a movie like this...its meant to be enjoyed with ur kids and or family. Yes it was good to me because the movie served it's purpose and we had a blast... just like everyone else who isn't trying to be an edge lord in their late 30s and early 40s towards a kids/family movie
  17. Yup, A very miniscule portion of the map was demoed. The over world has three huge layers with ... Sky, Land and.. Spoiler And @-GD-X the leakers and data miners have confirmed 6 or 7 Dungeons... Themed dungeons with, puzzles and different unique bosses etc. Shrines are back as well.. There's also long ass pathways/lead ups to certain dungeon.. These lead up/pathway the dungeon was lengthy with tons of puzzles etc The 12th can't come soon enough
  18. How many times must you ask the same question and get the same answer? My son wanted to see it so I took him. He enjoyed it and I had a great time with him. Why does that bother you so much that people enjoyed the movie with thier kids and or family? It's been 4 weeks now get over it already.
  19. This guy is still edge lording a kids and family movie 4 weeks later... Why does people loving this movie bother your so? You don't like the movie and no one cares that you don't... So why are you bothered so much about everyone else?..
  20. Lmfao. You literally posted a tweet that reads "Mc Carthy CHANGES TUNE to support aide to Ukraine... Which would mean they weren't supporting Ukraine before. It's been over a year now, the Republican messaging for over a year was not in support of Ukraine. The leading GOP presidential candidate does not support aide for Ukraine. The majority of GOP presidential candidates for 2024 don't support aide for Ukraine. Tucker's messaging went from slightly anti Ukraine to straight up Russian propaganda that Fox pushed for over a year... Tucker d
  21. First the CMA pulled a "Friendship" and MS thought they had another chance.... The CMA then performed a Fatality and killed the deal... But this is just overkill now... A Brutality
  22. Surprise surprise same two simpletons are bothered that kids and families of all ages love the movie. Im quoting my same response from last week as it applies again this week. Anyway.... Get over it or stay mad
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