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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Update* This flop of a movie that appealed to no one, had terrible word of mouth feedback from the audience has flopped HARD and crossed a billion in 26 days.... Pffft took it long enough. Biggest week 4 for an animated movie of all time. And it only just launched in Japan and some other countries a few days ago.... Expect it to flop even harder as it approaches 1.5 billion.
  2. There's already a thread with you crying that the President isn't going to be primaried....just as it has been for the vast majority of America's over 200 year history... It's not like the previous thread is on page 10 or something the other thread is still active.. On the main It's right below this one for crying on loud...
  3. Yup, from the Wiiu on screen tearing hasn't been an issue.... Hope there's a Vsync patch to address this for this game.
  4. Cooke - the left went nuts when Trump won in 2016. Meanwhile
  5. I was wondering why Aza stopped posting the Japanese charts... Lol
  6. Sony is abandoning the traditional model and will copy MS this gen anyday now.....
  7. Ghostz and Lemij have been owned... They claimed Sony wouldn't make the forecast.
  8. That Brandon shit backfired spectacularly on the right wing clowns....it was Glorious
  9. Surprised @Cookedidn't post the new new Twitter files... Shocking, that he didn't post about this🤯 ...thought he really cared about real government censorship.
  10. To show how much you lack self awareness... You're quoting him where he says you lack self awareness. And your response is to claim the left went authoritarian, went nuts and doubled down when Trump won. Have you been living under a fucking rock? It's the Republicans who to do this day are still denying that Biden won. It's the Republicans that stormed the capital because Biden won. It's the Republican news media that fabricated lies because they couldn't cope that Biden won..... Now that network has to pay 3/4 billion dollars an
  11. Fair and balanced Fox News..... Who just paid over 3/4 billion dollars for spreading election lies and is about to be hit with another one for 2.6 billion. Cooke
  12. The first game was on PSN+ as one of the monthly free games a couple of months back.... Got it on there and it was surprisingly solid. Not a Banger but it's solid.
  13. They got owned here left to another board.... Only the face the same fate... DynamiteCop got perm'd and Lemij gets raped on the daily over there
  14. A preview where they unlock a dungeon means nothing? Lmfao. So you what them to spoil the dungeon too? None of the previous Zelda games pre release spoiled dungeons.... You're just being retarded now.
  15. "During my “Tears” session, I unlocked the entrance to a sky dungeon by timing my 50,000-feet-in-the-air jumps while moving floating platforms around with Ultra Hand"
  16. UK Blocks Microsoft’s $69 Billion Activision Deal Poor ghosts
  17. RUSSIA is now lamenting that they lost strong voice of influence on the American people with the firing of Tucker. Well well well.
  18. No they won't. They can claim a percentage of the legal cost...unless the legal fees was 2 billion they're not saving over 200 mill just on legal fees. Plus that doesn't matter.. Win or lose you claim a percentage of the legal costs. But... They can't write off the settlement. It counts as negative revenue.... The settlement lowers their revenue by 3/4 of a billion so now their taxable income is lower because they made less money. You're taxed a percentage of your revenue. What people are doing is guesstimating how much their tax bill may
  19. The legal fees are a tax write off... As businesses can claim a percentage of that. The actual settlement is not a write off. Fox's revenue for this year will be less by 3/4 billion... So thier taxable revenue will be lower.
  20. Turns out Tucker was a perverted sicko. The pending law suit from the ex Fox producer against Fox n co... Includes more of Tucker's text messages. @Mr. Impossible add another one to the right wing groomer list. I remember when @Ramzaswore by Tucker and his incorrect use of the term groomers.
  21. Noe watch MAGA all of a sudden have no issues with this... Lol
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