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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You were paying attention..just like I said. You picked some bad candidates and thought Joe would lose to Trump Trump lost the popular vote TWICE. Yet when he ran for reelection as president... The RNC refused to primary him.... Not a peep from you about it. You wanted Trump to lose so bad yet you didn't care that he wasn't Primaried? Lmfao.
  2. You weren't paying attention to the 2020 election? Lies. You're still crying to this day that Tulsi lost You were paying attention its just that you were TOLD to be upset about it when the Republican president ran.... Now you're being told to be upset... So you are.
  3. Everytime my ass... You didn't say a word about it when Trump wasn't primaried..... Tucker told you to be mad about it for Biden and here we are today
  4. You cared when you thought the norm was to be primaried as President
  5. Was it less democracy the other 54 times it happened? Was it less democracy when just 3 years ago you didn't say a peep about it? Or how about before then? Or the time before that?
  6. Ohh after claiming it wasn't the norm, Shandy and undemocratic... Now you don't care that you were wrong as per the usual.. Lol The DNC sees through the Republicans Trojan horse attempt
  7. Cooke is just a dumbass.. That's all to it šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø
  8. Here come the excuses bbbbut it's ok that Trump wasn't primaried Bbbbut Its ok that 54 out of the 59 Presidential races wasn't primaried šŸ˜¢ In all the years you have been at SW... You have never not once said a peep about a President being primaried.. Now all of a sudden, this cycle you're coincidentally pushing the same narrative that Tucker Carlson and the right wing media is pushing.... How about this, whenever the Republicans ever get back a president be it 5 or 9 years from now... When he or she is up for re-election....
  9. Cooke's not taking Tucker's firing well
  10. So you can continue watching the show and not miss a beat.
  11. So many loaded statements and false narratives and yet still no response from you regarding my previous posts. Zero percent of Primary challengers have won in the entire history of the country...... Zero... Zilch. There have also only been 5 in over 200 years, out of the 5 only 2 have been republicans. I didn't hear a peep from your dumbass when the Republicans didn't primary Trump. Not a single peep. But now they're pushing the narrative that Joe should be primaried? Fucking hypocrites. Republicunts are stuck with
  12. Russian state TV has offered Tucker a Job. Lmfao
  13. There was nothing to call you fucking idiot. Incompbent Presidents do not get primaried by their own party. Cooke "Bbbbbbut I called it... The sky is blue... See I called it."
  14. Right, Neil is lying that he enjoyed the movie with his kids... Lmfao Why does this bother you so much?
  15. Same shit I said would happen when they remove actual verification from the process. Lmfao.
  16. He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
  17. In the entire history of US presidents there have only been 5 primaries......yes only 5. In 234 years there have only been 5 presidential primaries. In the 59 Presidential elections there have been only 5 primaries. Only 5... You know how many of those Primary Challengers won? Zero..... YES.... Zero percent. None. You know how many times the Republicans have Primaried their president in all of American history? Only twice... Last time was 1976 that a republican did it.... But now they're cryi
  18. That Twinblade's homeboy for years... He actually believed the bullshit Tucker spew. Anyway, that 800 million Fox lost to Dominion and the 2.6 Billion Case from smartmatic that is up next... Really had an effect om Fox it seems. They're firing the hosts 1 by 1 who pushed the big lie
  19. I said It's a kids and family movie for all ages... My son wanted to see it and he enjoyed it and had a blast. I identify with parents like myself who had fun with thier kids at the movie.... It's ok to have fun with your kids at the movies.. Why does that bother you so much?
  20. Yes you're in the 4% to 6% of the audience that didn't like the movie. A movie doesn't have 3 record breaking weekends unless movie going audience absolutely loved it. If people hated it, word if mouth would have killed it all. Momentum after opening weekend and the box office numbers would a cratered.
  21. Lol at these two simpletons. The point of my post isn't about the money... Its about people of all ages LOVING the movie... 94% to 96% positive word of mouth. It's a movie... so box office receipts are directly tied to whether people thought it was a good movie or not. And three consecutive weeks of a record breaking pace obviously means the movie going public loved it. Get over it or stay mad
  22. Update* After a record breaking opening weekend. Then a record breaking 2nd weekend. It's on to a record breaking 3rd weekend and will cross a billion next week And the movie isn't even out in Japan as yet. Why are kids, families and people of all ages loving this FLOP of a movie and continuing to give it a 96% positive word of mouth? Did no one tell them it FLOPPED HARD?
  23. Are you dense? Again you're coming from a Russian propaganda perspective. You think they're only supporting Ukraine because they want to weaken Russia? Ok Comrade. It's the other way around. The goal is to support Ukraine in winning the war. That support includes weakening the invader AKA Russia. You're framing it as if Russia is the victim. Bbbut why is the US assisting Ukraine against innocent Russia?
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