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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. And Tim Scott already begins his downward spiral.. Right on cue.
  2. Oh shit I didn't see Cooke's edit lmfao. He is drinking gallons of the Russian kool-aid for real. Cooke - "Bbbbut the US intervening an invasion is weakening the invader" Russia is the real victim here guys, don't you see?
  3. "I didn't say surrender But they should surrender eastern Ukraine" .... Lmfao. Ukraine is a sovereign nation... Why are you against their sovereignty and freedom? Russia should come after Canada next, I propose they don't surrender, but they should surrender eastern Canada to Putin... In the name of peace. Next the US will invade Canada and again I don't think Canada should surrender but they should surrender Western Canada in the name of peace. You're beyond stupid
  4. I'm ridiculous? Hey retard I didn't answer your questions as yet 1) Who said no negotiations? .... I said a surrender to Russia is not considered peace. Peace is the invaders leaving and Ukraine keeps it sovereignty. 2) Ukraine being a sovereign nation can decide if they want to defend themselves or if they will surrender to the invaders. They chose to fight to keep their sovereignty. 3) Who said anything about the US sending troops? That's not on the table, Despite what Fox and Tucker is telling you. What
  5. DeSantis went to capitol hill to gin up support from his former colleagues in congress.... But.... No one endorsed him He is losing support left and right.
  6. Oh oh the Twinblade curse... Watch Tim Scott fall apart now that Twinblade is rooting for him.. Lol
  7. A sovereign nation being invading and surrendering to the invaders is not peace you dumb mother fucker. How stupid are you? Peace would be for Russia to stop their invasion and for Ukraine to remain it's own sovereignty..
  8. The rumor is it's launching THIS YEAR. Splatoon 3 released less than a year ago... Splatoon 4 isn't coming out this year genius.
  9. No wonder Cooke loves him... He's spouting the same drivel as Tulsi.
  10. Splatoon 3 just came out, no way a new Splatoon is coming out in less than a year. Zelda will be out in less than a month. BS rumor.
  11. You're as dense as a rock....you initially said they wouldn't they let Biden Debate Rfk JR.... I said this was the samething they said about Biden Debating Trump..... But it ended up being Trump who got owned in the debate and then Trump ran from the other debates with Biden. Tulsi didn't have enough polling to make the last few debates dipshit..... You're still salty that your pick Tulsi was a shit pick?
  12. Oh shit.. Didn't even notice the date of Feb 6th.... And Twinblade was still drinking the "stolen election" kool aid at that point.
  13. Is that why Trump ran from debating Biden after the first debate? Bernie was in every debate dip shit You are one dumb mother fucker
  14. Remember the entire, will Biden even debate Trump non-sense? Then after just 1 debate Trump tucked his tail and ran away crying and refused to debate again? It's super early... Super super early. Let's see if when the time comes if RFK even makes the minimum required polling to be in the debates.
  15. Of course your dumb ass would believe Fox's lies.. Even after they were caught admitting they were lying
  16. Bro you have no say in the United States of America's election. You agree with him.. Ok.. Are you going to vote for him? Lol
  17. When you don't read your stretch of an article but only read the headline. "If any of Fox’s settlement payment is covered by insurance, Fox could not write off that portion of the payment." If if if if...
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