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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The epic flop of the 93 movie had a long lasting effect on thier movie plans.
  2. Looks pretty similar to the PS5/XBxsx version of the previous entry. I'll still get it though, game was great.
  3. I got Bitch-tre is well trained, look at her say vaxxie on command again.... Good Girl
  4. Months later she finally built up that courage to show her face after getting destroyed in this thread but she still running from the question like the traumatized snowflake bitch she is
  5. Comscore/Screen Engine’s PostTrak shows that crowds love the movie too, at 94% positive, 82% recommend... Kids under 12 loved it as well at 94%. " Moviegoers were 60% male, 40% female. With 62% of the males being between 18-34 and 38% of the males being under 18. A good movie for all ages and families... Just like I said Bbbbut kids don't know any better get over it or stay mad
  6. You're waffling again... You were going by Rotten Tomatoes... Top Gun while a good movie.. Rotten tomatoes has it in the 50s The 90s Mario movie was a certified flop.. No one liked it... Including the audience.. Hence why it flopped at the box office. The current Mario movie is resonating with kids and families of all ages.... They seem to love it and it's breaking box office records. Like I told Quad, get over it or just stay mad
  7. Yea Top Gun was good... But Top Gun's Rotten tomatoes score is in the 50s.. make up your mind and stop waffling all over the place. So like I said you are bothered... It's hilarious how bothered you are by a freaking kids movie
  8. You dropped that kids are owned for liking a kids movie real quick huh? Guess you went outside got some air and realized how stupid that sounded...lmfao. Comscore/Screen Engine’s PostTrak shows that crowds love the movie too, at 94% positive, 82% recommend... Kids under 12 loved it as well at 94%. " Moviegoers were 60% male, 40% female. With 62% of the males being between 18-34 and 38% of the males being under 18. Whoops... Kids, families and all ages love the movie... Just like I said they would Like I said get over it or stay m
  9. Posted Audience reception... Which has been through the roof For some reason it bothers you that audiences are loving this movie.
  10. You haven't seen the movie to be commenting on the quality of the movie to its target audience. Let's look at the audience reception. Overall audience reception since release. "Getting into the inner circuits of Super Mario Bros: Comscore/Screen Engine’s PostTrak shows that their polled crowds love the movie too, at 94% positive, 82% recommend"
  11. Bbbbbbut it flopped I swearz.. They can't keep getting away with this...
  12. I love how you pivoted away from what the movie industry considers a success to what YOU consider a success... As if what you consider a success holds any weight to the industry This movie's success means other video game adaptions will try to make their movies to be a normal movie instead of making it solely for neck beards and nerds. The mainstream movie audience don't give a shit about videogames to begin with so those video game adaptions prior to this missed the mark from that aspect.
  13. Look at that.... All time record for an animated movie. Guess people really hate this movie, no one wants to see it, not kids.. Not their families...... No one... Lmfao.
  14. The reputation for video games movies is that they're not a huge box office draw. Even when they're good adaptations like the first MK movie. From all indications this will be the biggest videogame movie ever its on pace to open at over a quarter billion.... On opening weekend alone. That's a win for videogame movies everywhere.
  15. This... I don't care for any kids movie because surprise surprise it isn't geared towards me or my age group. I have a young son who shocker likes kids movies... Saw it today with him... He enjoyed it. To me it was just another kids movie.
  16. Oh noes.. Kids are enjoying a kids movie they're owned!!! 1!!.... Do you hear yourself ? You are taking this shit to heart for real... Go outside take a breather and get some air Stop trying to twist what I said... I said "it's a good movie for all ages. It's a family movie." Aka it's catering to kids and families... And guess what... Kids and families are enjoying the movie.. Get over it or just stay mad
  17. You're just proving my point... He thought a pro Putin stance would get more traction until he realized it didn't.... So he switched back to a pro Ukraine stance. And that should tell you all you need to know about DeSantis.... Jelly fish.. No spine.
  18. If the word of mouth is a bad as you it should tank at the box office right? Anyways... Not wasting anymore time on this kids movie warz thread.
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