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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You're having a hard time coping with the fact that the kids and families are loving it... Why does that bother you so much? Deal with it
  2. Remember the two Twitter files journalists? Bari Weis and Matt Taibbi? Both have found out over the last few months how full of shit Musk is an that they were both played for fools. First Bari found that out when Musk started banning Journalists who were researching the fake story Musk put out.... She spoke up against it and surprise surprise she found out that he was doing exactly what he was claiming others were doing. And now Matt Taibbi himself is leaving Twitter after Musk decided to block links to substac (independent journalists like Matt an
  3. Oh man... Shit that movie bombed hard... 58% on RT? ....im sure the audience hated it and paramount regretted even releasing the movie because with that 58% RT score... No one went to see that garbage. ..... Lol
  4. Rotten tomatoes doesn't determine if a movie is a flop or not... You've spent too much time taking this SW shit seriously that now you're applying it to movies and a kids movie no less The reality is, for movies the audience reception and the box office decides if a movie is a flop or not. From the start I have maintained that the kids and family audience will love this movie and guess what they do Keep on SW Bbbut it's a flop I swearz it ... While the movie sees real world success at the box office and with the movie going audience... Deal with it
  5. The only people in this thread bothered by this movie seems to be you two....Critics were lukewarm to it.. Kidz and Families loved it....deal with it
  6. Do you knw what "good for" kids, families and all ages means?... It means it caters to kids to enjoy it with family members..... Jeezus you're dense as a rock. And lmfao at you guys getting all worked up over a kids n family movie. Quad is almost fuming at the mouth...... Kidz movies warz!!!!!!
  7. Finish the quote. "It's a good movie for all ages. It's a family movie." Family movies aren't geared towards adults.. Its geared towards the kids enjoying it with their family. Stop playing dumb
  8. "It's a good movie for all ages. It's a family movie" "I've always maintained its a kids/family movie and the target audience of kids will like it."
  9. Hollow Knight Cup Head Shovel Knight Blazing Chrome Guacamole 1 & 2 Axiom Verge Telsagrad Meatboy
  10. I haven't seen it but I doubt you would like it... Its not aimed at you. I doubt I'll like it either. my 5 yr old kid is on spring break and asked to go see it... Apparently all his little friends in school were talking about asking their parents to take them to see it.... Aka the target audience of the movie.
  11. Correction... Men with children Not sure why you guys think this movie is aimed at adults.
  12. I said that months ago?... Quote me, Put up or shut the fuck up I've always maintained its a kids/family movie and the target audience of kids will like it.
  13. Are you slow? the first sentence in the bump said " We all saw the red wave didn't happen" You're forever owned because your virgin ass actually thought no one cared about Abortion rights when it's actually the Majority of the country that cares
  14. Just like the trained bitch she is... She comes back again... Good Girl Bitch-tre.. Good Girl Now watch her run away from that thread again.... That loss really broke that bitch to the core.
  15. This post broke Bitch-tre and made her run out the thread ass leaking crying into another thread..... Her triggered snowflake ass still can't answer the question about why she is so triggered by this
  16. Oh it has to do with Abortion too. The red wave didn't happen because of Republicans stance on abortion..... Did you forget? That's how democrats regained control in that state for the first time in 40 years. As far as that lady switching parties? Was she elected as a republican genius? No she wasn't.... What you posted has nothing to do with election results.
  17. Ohhh look at that, the Audience loved it.
  18. With what development resources? One of the main reason the vita flopped is because Sony couldn't support a console and a hand held with needed resources.
  19. Another 1. Democrats flip the Wisconsin Supreme Court... This guarantees the protection of Abortion rights in that state. That Roe vs Wade blunder continues to pay dividends
  20. We all saw that the red wave didn't happen... But what we're missing is that Republicans are now losing the majority of local elections in tons of states across the country. This Roe vs Wade thing by the republicans has to be the biggest political blunder of the century. E.g. The democrats just flipped Michigan and have FULL CONTROL over every branch of the Michigan government for the first time in 40 years. Who was the virgin incel on this board that said no one would care about abortion rights?
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