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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Cooke "Bbbut I'm not defending Trump I swearz Why does your dumbass not read what you post. Edwards was indicted and went to trial you dumb cunt. Did your dumbass just learn about Edwards from Tucker Carlson and right wing media? Lmfao. Edwards’s trial on the campaign finance-related charges ended when a jury deadlocked on five felony counts and voted to acquit him on one charge. Not only that, Edwards charges were all related to campaign finance.... Trump's case is not only about stormy Daniels... It includes Business Fraud and o
  2. Switch 2 in year 1 will outsell all those handheld PCs combined.
  3. Didn't say it would be more power than those other handheld PC powerhouses. I said it will be more powerful than the Deck based on the chip NVIDIA will be using.... Deal with it
  4. This is what im waiting to see, if it comes with an SSD or will they go with the most recent flash nand drives.
  5. You're referring to Switch 2 or Switch 1? Switch one launched with 900p and 1080 games 7 years ago.. Switch 2 will easily surpass that.
  6. @Cooke ita just a simple accounting error January 2023, the Trump Organization was convicted on 17 counts, encompassing conspiracy, criminal tax fraud, and falsifying business records. CFO Weisselberg pleaded guilty to 15 counts, which ranged from grand larceny and tax fraud to falsifying business records. The indictment for this was in 2021 and also listed was an Unindicted Co-conspirator #1.... I wonder who that person was
  7. That's great, yet it still doesn't work fine on PC. Capcom will never address the RE engine issues on PC because you hermits just accept it as fine. Meanwhile they will patch and will continually improve the engine on PS5 because they let Capcom know the performance did not meet their standards at Launch. Hope you enjoy another 5 years on RE engine issues on PC
  8. Obviously I'm not talking about the games with no issues. Talking about the ones with issues like RE4 that DF and the fans have been complaining about for 5 years that hermits like yourself are now pretending works just fine. Why would Capcom even bother to fix it if you guys keep saying "it's fine"
  9. Not putting it in the same league. There are different variances of issues per title. But. No matter what the issues are in general PC gamers always claim it works fine on thier own personal PC.
  10. The current switch does 1080p max on a TV. The Switch 2 will surpass that output threshold while docked. But yes games that aren't outputting 720p doesn't scale well onn 4K TVs. The reconstruction method used on big Switch games now solves that as the final output scales better. Docking doesn't have the battery life constraints or the small screens constraints as the handheld mode, so I expect Switch 2 max res on TV to be above 1080p.
  11. There are tons of Switch games that support 5.1 uncompressed lossless LPCM audio. Check the features sections on the Box or on the game listing on the E-shop.
  12. No its not campaign finance violations they're going after. It's over 30 counts of business fraud. This isn't about his actions as president this is about his fraudulent business dealings...... I know I know his corruption is hard to keep up with
  13. More cows have beaten horizon than lemmings have probably beaten any game on Series X
  14. Bbbbbbut Im not defending him I swearz it.... Its just an accounting error... But I'm not defending him
  15. Switch is a dedicated gaming device, a phone is multi media device, taking pictures, recording videos and watching UHD content. You're not doing that on Switch doofus. They will be able to create better looking games with more available headroom left over, with better battery life etc... And hit the native res on the screen. Than going after 1080p in portable mode for worse battery life, less resources for a slightly better res at 7 inches and not hit native res as often. Even the deck is in that 720 to 800p range. Every reputable leak so fa
  16. That 1080p screen at 7 inches makes this rumor a fake. That's a waste of extra resources for no tangible benefit at that screen size. The Switch 2 specs from a SOC standpoint already leaked in the Nvidia files hack. Everything is fake news.
  17. I didn't make this thread to defend Trump I swearz it I didn't try to down play the charges as a simple accounting error I swearz it I didn't compare him to Jesus l swearz it
  18. Comparing Trump to Jesus? Bbbbbbut im not defending him It turns out it's 34 counts of fraud and not only specifically the stormy Daniels payment as that is the most minor charge and that might even be just be a misdemeanor Reminder Trump's organization was charged and found guilty with 17 counts of fraud last year. I believe the CEO got convicted too https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/trump-org-found-guilty-in-tax-fraud-case/ Reminder Trump University was also found guilty in defrauding its students.
  19. That would be Tulsi... Kamala is the VP and in your made up scenario she is president You still can't actually say why she is unqualified... Shocker
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