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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Manhattan DA - Trump created 'false expectation' of imminent arrest. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/23/politics/manhattan-da-house-gop-inquiry/index.html Here's the best part, Trump already grifted 1.5 million from his easily duped followers who thought Trump was going to be arrested this past Tues and they bent over backwards to give thier hard earned money to a millionaire....who like all his past fund raising will just pocket the money. @Cooke and @Twinblade how much did you guys donate already? Help Trump get to 2
  2. Translation : My initial comments didn't resonate well on the national stage so I have to walk it back now and contradict myself.
  3. That is literally an example of equity for disabled individuals implemented by the evil guvment. You continue to display you have no idea what real equity is.
  4. The goal of equity is to help achieve fairness in treatment and outcomes. It's a way in which equality is achieved. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was written so that people with disabilities are ensured equal access to public places. It means that public restrooms need to have ramps so that people in wheelchairs can enter.
  5. So the Republicans proposed a bill to de-fund boarder patrol. Thanks for the clarification on the semantics
  6. They freaked out when Trump lost 3 years ago and stormed the capital calling for the Vice President of the United States to be hanged..... and they're still freaking out to this day out about Trump's loss...
  7. Bitch-tre is so broken she's delusional. Not only did she get curb stomped in the Nazi home schooling thread, She lost this thread from time she came in here crying about home schooling.
  8. As I posted days ago in the other thread. It must be noted that Trump is the source of the claim that he would be arrested for the hush money he illegally paid for having an affair with a porn star. But When pressed for facts - "A spokesman for Trump said the former president had not been notified of any arrest. Trump provided no evidence of leaks" He also launched another Trump defense fund to raise money. How much money have both you guys @Twinblade and @Cooke@Cooke donated so far based on his claim? Teh grift continues
  9. That was 15 years ago for certain PC centric games, game design trends start on console and PC gets a port.
  10. Bitch-tre went from running out the other thread to tears in this thread , to snowflake triggered NPC mode, she's totally broken... I broke that bitch then trained her Come back here and eat my shit, good girl
  11. Bitch-tre's ass is still leaking almost 2 months later. After getting curb stomped she ran from the other thread into this thread tears dripping down on her keyboard... Bbbbbut home schooling and since then her snowflake ass has been triggered, traumatized and broken Watch her rush back in here again, I keep pulling on a leash and she keep obeying like a good little trained bitch she is.... Good girl
  12. I see his clips when dipshits like you post them and I hear it when you use his exact examples At least you learned what equity means today.... Lol
  13. You giving me examples of what is not actually equity (but your dumb ass thinks it is) doesn't change what equity is... That San Francisco example is not equity. Removing the higher education classes is not equity etc.... As far as Tucker... Well you keep using tucker's talking points like you just did with did with those non equity examples and framing it as equity. You ran away from the evil guv'ment's equity argument real quickly after I showed you what equity really is with gay and handicapped people example huh?
  14. Bitch-tre is so easily to control, I got that bitch trained. Had her saying vaxxie on command for over a month. Had her sitting there refreshing the page for days waiting for me to respond and then she runs in and responds immediately. Now I have her sitting there looking at my response and she is staring at the computer screen waiting for time to pass to respond because I told her stop responding so quickly...... Got that bitch on a leach Good girl
  15. No it's you who has a warped view of what equity is. You've been watching too much fox news and tucker Carlson. Equity isn't about holding anyone back you fucking dumb cunt. The goal of equity is to help achieve fairness in treatment and outcomes. It's a way in which equality is achieved. For example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was written so that people with disabilities are ensured equal access to public places. It means that public restrooms need to have ramps so that people in wheelchairs can enter. Similar with the exampl
  16. Cooke and his amazing lack of self awareness
  17. First time you're honest about Xbox
  18. No, you're just retarded. Read what I said again carefully.. You dense clown. Equity of treatment is what I described. The fact you think equity means what was in that meme you posted shows how stupid you are Let me repeat - fair and impartial treatment for everyone and open-mindedess to accept gay people. Are you against equity for gays?
  19. Flight Sim is an old PC port. None of those other games are out as yet. Listing unreleased games as available content Why is it so hard to list series L only games for u?
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