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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Can you not list some games? I didn't ask you what you think is worth owning.... I asked for Series L only games
  2. Now do the series L only list kiddo.... Where are the games?
  3. Now do the series L only games
  4. So you had no strategy, spammed one attack and then you blame getting destroyed on you did not grind enough to level up? Lmfao.
  5. What I spoke about above is equity, fair and impartial treatment for everyone and open-mindedess to accept gay people. Something you are apparently are against.... So according to Cooke gay people should not have the same rights as everyone... The same opportunity as everyome etc.
  6. How are you not in jail right now for being an openly gay man in society? Wasn't that illegal? What changed? What happens if you're discimanted against for a job, an apartment, a mortgage etc for being gay? Wasn't that the norm before? What changed? All those rights for gays should be taken off the books and it should be left up to people and businesses to pinkie swear that they won't discriminate against gays. You know since we live in a world where everyone is treated equally, judged equally and given the same opportunies without the need of the guv
  7. Cooke you really lack any semblance of self awareness
  8. Remember the stop the steal election fund? Where Trump took a quarter billion from his supporters and used none of it to actually "stop the steal" ... Effectively stealing from his supporters? Lmfao.
  9. All while saying everyone is judged equally and given the same opportunity to succeed. The lack of self awareness by Cooke is astounding.. Lol
  10. Cooke you damn well knw youve posted Tucker before. You also share his views on almost everything. Ukraine Russia Covid-19 Jan 6th The 2020 election. Trump For the last 3 years you have pushed his talking points. Don't try to disown him now
  11. Nope, I've beaten the game. First off the actual side quests aren't grindy they are fleshed out. 2nd off you don't need to do any of the side quests to level up to beat the game. The levels you gain in the main quest is enough to beat the game, at camp sites you go into the party menu and level up + when you're playing the game you level up.... Those two are enough to beat the game. As you gain enough Battle experience in the main story. The reason you lost in the later battles ks because you have to effectively manage the 6 man team and their fusions +arts+ maste
  12. Trump announced he is getting arrested next week... And calls for his supportors to protest and take the nation back. Buuut when pressed for facts. "A spokesman for Trump said the former president had not been notified of any arrest. Trump provided no evidence of leaks" And now if he is arrested and his supportors follow his orders and go take try "the nation back" just like they did on January 6th..... It won't be Trump's fault either Amirite?
  13. You have youtube, which you use to catch highlights of his show, post the clips online and you parrot his talking points soon after his show airs...funny how that works huh?
  14. You are though, pretty sure you still watch Tucker because you parrot his talking points on this boards after his show airs
  15. Cooke still drinking that Fox News cool aid
  16. Don't listen to TB. Xenoblade 3 is not a grind. It's the most user accessible Xenoblade game in the franchise. Not once did I never had to grind to build XP. You can go straight through the main story without grinding not once and have a great experience and beat the game. Even the combat mechanics are user friendly compared to the rest of the series. In the other games they showed you a complex mechanic one time and expect you to master it immediately to get past a battle. In this game they let you practice it a few times first
  17. You don't know what race I am, why assume I'm white? And even if I'm white why assume that means I think he hates white people because you say so? Real talk, why are you retarded? Is it ok to be white?, what kinda dumb ass question is that?
  18. There's a rumor that an Fzero GX and AX (arcade version) remake combo pack is in the works for Switch.
  19. DF isn't wrong, they looked at the demo. Their review of the final game will be published next week... There have been changes and improvements in the final game...... Except the Xbox controls... Which are still fucked up.
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