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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Just like I said....look how fast she responded.... She damn near flew in ass still leaking. I have her triggered ass on a string....She is sitting by the PC for days refreshing the page. I had her bitch ass cucking for over a month saying vaxxie on my command. And now I have her rushing in here to be told what to do like the good bitch she is All it took was a Nazi Homeschooling thread to totally break Bitch-tre
  2. DF isn't wrong dufus.... DF looked at the demo... Their comments on the res were on the demo in the preview. The final game has improvements to the res etc as DF pointed out in the tweet. But the fucked up controls on Xbox have not been fixed even in the final game
  3. Rouge Leader was bananas for its time.....I believe it ran at 60fps too.. Factor 5 were coding geniuses. Rouge leader and its sequel would make great remakes... But it won't happen because of licensing. Wind waker remake that includes all the cut content would be fire too. Killer 7 Viewtiful Joe (1st game) Metroid Prime 2
  4. The GC version was vastly superior hence why it won GOTY and the PS2 version didn't. We're just pointing out how mad cows got when that happened... Lol
  5. Yea because the PS2 version was inferior and severely fimped.. Cows were big mad
  6. Bane from the dark knight movie is not Latino... He is played by white man and the character has a European accent. The Bane character in the comics is Latino/Cuban. Bane is not some obscure character and the movie is not from the 90s dipshit. You keep throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks .... Bbbbut it's from the 90s, Bbbut it's obscure, Bbbut it only an issue if it's a remake... But but but .....
  7. You have it backwards. The FIFA brand itself is bigger than EA. Whoever gets the FIFA license now will be printing money. Whatever soccer game EA comes up with will be stuck in the same commercial rut that was winning eleven. Winning eleven has been the superior soccer game for decades but never really had that huge commercial success of the EA fifa games because of the lack of the fifa branding.
  8. Bane from dark knight and Starship troopers are obscure? Cook be saying the dumbest shit.
  9. Now he tries to move the goal posts again. First he got owned with the IP, then he got owned with the coding... Now he runs to gameplay. You already lost, I'm not going around in circles with you as you continue to run off on tangents
  10. First off retard this isn't a review it's a preview of the full game based on the demo. 2nd off they don't recommend the Xbox version because it's worse than the PS5 version because it's plays like ass on Xbox.
  11. This retard continues his self ownage. THE IP... EA can't use the IP. The discussion was about the IP ownership and usage. After you got owned with the IP ownership with Sony and MLB you ran to Bbbut game game code. And then you admit EA has to change the coding of the game to make a new game. You owned yourself even on the tangent you tried to create to run away from the IP ownage
  12. Hey retard, nice self ownage. EA refused to pay for the license so now they can't make fifa games anymore. EA will have to create new games without the FIFA license and FIFA will continue using the FIFA license in games but without EA as the developer. I wonder who the new developer of FIFA games will be? It will be funny if it's Konami but they made better soccer/football games but they didn't have the fifa license to use. If its Konami, EA will get crushed but critically and commercially. Even if it isn't Konami, EA
  13. UK is one market within Europe as whole. The ratio gap is much larger for all of Europe If both systems are maintaining the same ratio as last gen in all other markets as the UK.. Xbox1 ended up more than 2X behind PS4 overall. Boasting about being last
  14. You're boasting about being behind by the same ratio as XB1 was behind PS4?
  15. Bitch-tre is so desperate to save face he rushes in and responds immediately. This low life be refreshing this page for days waiting for me to respond 😂 More than a month later and he is still triggered and butt hurt about the Nazi Homeschooling thread
  16. No. Dip shit.... They definitely weren't white as they are in the movies So by you dodging Bane and Jonny Rico means you had no issue with the race swap for those characters you fucking hypocrite
  17. More texts get exposed in the defamation lawsuit. 'It is so insane but our viewers believe it': Tucker Carlson's producers quietly trashed Fox News' audience See the txt exchange. It's between Raj Shah and Alex Pfeiffer, a former producer for Tucker Carlson. Raj Shah texts Pfeiffer. He says, 'You might want to address this, but this stuff is so f-ing insane. Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C'mon.' Alex Pfeiffer responds, 'Is it even worth addressing again tonight? It is so insane but our viewers believe it so addressing again how her stupid Vene
  18. Cooke stop playing dumb. In the movie Jonny Rico was played by a white man. In the book he was not a white man. Bane is Hispanic in the comics but was played by a white man in the movie. Were you up in arms about those changes? No the topic is about race swapped characters... Your damage control after getting called out for your hypocrisy.. Was bbbbut remakes and reboots. And lmfao at your last point with Egypt.... You're stupidity know no bounds
  19. Not only does it run slower on Xbox... It controls worse and the resolution is lower too....
  20. I'm not surprised. He is falling into the trap of playing up to the loud minority of Americans who side with Putin aka the extreme MAGA crowd. That won't play well on the national stage with moderates, centrists and regular Republicans. (and obviously democrats). It's a losing strategy. I hope he keeps it up
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