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Posts posted by jehurey

  1. 22 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Oh god I'm so torn because Bloodborne is so fucking overrated but so is Elden Ring and I just don't have the inner will to try to use Elden Ring to diss Bloodborne.

    this is perfect.


    this post is, single-handedly, informing me that I should never trust the fanboys of FROM games when they release a new game.


    Basically won't get the real truth about the quality of that game until 18 months after.

    For most major video game IPs its usually 6 months afterwards, but the Souls fanboys want to keep the hype going extra longer before they drop the act.

  2. 43 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Nobody cares.

    He is a black guy in a feuda Japan game.

    Done by Ubisoft nonetheless. They won't get nearly remotely close to what the original intent was.

    For further proof, look at their clusterfuck rendition of Bolivia in Ghost Recon Wildlands. 

    Ubisoft has very little clue about the subject they portray in their videogames.

    did you come to the forums to whine about how they treated bolivia?


    No, you didn't right?


    So...........that's exactly how you should be acting when it comes to this, right? Or else, you'd look like a hypocrite, right?

  3. 22 hours ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    And you’ll be playing this one 100% on Gamepass, LOL. He thinks because he made his profile private I can’t just type on his name on Xbox and see what he’s playing, LOL. 

    that gamer score just keeps going up :bena:

    LOL I've played all of the COD games on Playstation.

    The last one that I played on any Xbox platform was the original Modern Warfare 3 back in 2011 :hest:


    I love how he keeps on trying. He doesn't even own any profile that is his own, he's trying to look through his nephews Xbox profile LMFAO!!

  4. 23 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    I hate to rain on your parade but if you look up what japanese players themselves think of this character you'll find that their opinions are generally pretty negative.

    Ah...............so you'll help women and minorities help voice their complaints when they feel like they aren't properly represented?


    You're saying you're going to help amiplify their message, like you're doing here on behalf of those poor japanese men?

  5. I love the white guys online who are trying to act offended on behalf of not japanese........but specifically on behalf of japanese males.


    because there is an japanese lead character, but its a woman.


    So there are imbeciles trying to say that japanese men are not being represented in games.


    and when you point to Yakuza, Like a Dragon, Rise of Ronin......they then have to modify their complaint to "japanese men are not being represented in games made by WESTERN DEVELOPERS." :hest:


    ....and then you point out that the single best type of AAA action game that has come out in the past few years is Ghost of Tsushima, which has a fantastic main protagonist, fantastic and interesting main antogonist, and pretty well developed Father, Uncle, long-time best friend, and several other jepense and asian males in the game, and was made by a top-tier Sony developer from Washington State..........then these guys basically have no reason to whine, whatsoever.:tom:

  6. 4 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    Already confirmed to be on Gamepass. :juggle:

    which is exactly how you’ll play it. 

    No, it isn't


    It isn't coming to your gamepass that you ask your nephew to play on. :hest:


    I love how he's already trying to prepare his damage control..........if its not coming to the thing people are ALREADY subscribed to, and have to pay more money, then he lost the prediction.


    Next thing you know, he'll be trying to claim a 5 hour timed demo being on regular gamepass as his victory.


    I'm already cutting off that escape path, right now :blessed:

  7. 7 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

    What happened to COD not on gamepass? :tom: 

    if they make a COD-only gamepass, then it actually did NOT come to gamepass, because your Xbox GamePass, and even GamePass ultimate subscribers would still have to pay extra to get CoD.


    So................yeah, that is the definition of "CoD did not come to gamepass" :RISITAS:


    And the new tweet makes it very clear that this "change in tiers" that is coming is specifically because of CoD.


    Your gamepass that YOUR NEPHEW has...........will not have CoD on it.


    hence, CoD is NOT on gamepass :kaz:

  8. If there's people out there thinking "I Loaded up on THREE YEARS of Game Pass Ultimate, I'm set!"


    They will simply call it "COD Pass", or "Activision Pass" and that will be their workaround so that the guy who already has Ultimate will still have to pay money if they want to play CoD.


    I can absolutely see a scenario in which they start introducing weird categories to have different gamePass bundles.


    Its going to look like a bad webpage for a cable TV new subscription list of bundle options.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Remij said:

    What if it's a cheaper COD only tier for $7 :mjgrin: 

    LOL I was thinking about a CoD-only tier, with no other gamepass games.


    .....it absolutely wouldn't be $7. It would be over $10 by itself, and they would give you some free skins and stupid shit like that, every month.


    Like I said, you're basically just a digital GameFly customer, at that point.

  10. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    Nah, that's irrelevant.  COD is cross-play and cross progression.  It literally doesn't matter to these new generations man. 


    They play on what they have first and foremost.. and if not that, then what's cheapest.


    These are people who haven't bought into anything Sony has been selling for PS5 thus far....  I don't think they care as much about the difference between the consoles as you think.  They just care if they can play COD on it or not.


    it doesn't matter if you don't know anything about Washing Machines, either.


    But you would end up buying the one that has more compatibility with everything, if the prices were the same.


    They're not idiots, it doesn't take more than 20 seconds of thinking.


    -This plays Xbox and multiplats

    -This plays Playstation games and multiplats........oh, and I'm finding out that Xbox games are also coming to it. AND all my friends have this one


    Remember, if you said that they are still playing a PS4 well into 2024, then they will make a choice base on what is best to play LONG-TERM.

  11. Is it starting to dawn on you guys that us.............complete strangers on an internet forum...........are looking more and more likely for being responsible for BREAKING this 48 year old dockworker's life?


    All of his hatred and his anger is directed at this entire forum.

    ..........and deep down, he's coming back to talk to us because he knows we're the closest things he's got................to friends.

  12. 1 minute ago, Remij said:


    Those players aren't as heavily invested in any platform.  They have maybe a couple games they bought the console for.  Any platform to play those specific games is up for grabs.


    Not saying EVERYONE will buy an Xbox... but it will definitely entice those already on Xbox, and potentially those who bought a PS4, to just get a cheap console to keep playing COD.

    they will buy it on the platform in which they're COD buddies are playing it on.


    Because if you're playing CoD continuously into 2024, its because you have friends in which you are playing the game with.


    And none of those people on their friends list, almost none of them, will be on an Xbox.


    I think you might've overlooked that.


    If Microsoft had just GIVEN AWAY 50 million Xbox Series X consoles over the course of 3-4 years.............it would've only cost them $25 billion.


    Imagine if Phil Spencer is still planning something and thinking to himself "............I got one more trick up my sleeve to save GamePass!!!!" :RISITAS:

  13. 2 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    [eXtas1s] Changes are coming to Game Pass with the inclusion of the next Call of Duty



    Several things will probably be happening.


    If you remember the original advertising, GamePass was originally advertised as "100 games available". And then they just abandoned that as they kept on trying to pack it with more and more old games and shitty indie games, like a shitty Chinese buffet thinking that adding more shitty food would increase people coming in.


    I bet they will go back to a GamePass Essential and basically include all old games that Microsoft owns, which means they have to pay no licensing fees. That will be $10.


    The current gamepass, with all the shitty indie games and AA multiplats will probably increase to $20, because they're already increasing it and hinting at another increase in the future.


    And they're going to put CoD behind a $30 tier. :hest: Basically devoting an extra $10 to rent CoD for a month.

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