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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL this guy is literally talking about stealing games and taking his $3000 worth of hardware to convert it to a Switch Paying 400% to 800% worth of the cost of consoles.........to get 150%-200% worth the performance increase..........with less consistency since its simply NOT OPTIMIZED by developers, and he has to be digging into ini files like an imbecile. He's literally paying more money............so that he has to go AND TRY FIXING the games, because the developers he PAID MONEY for the game DIDN'T DO IT. Along with stealing games. THAT'S is his current
  2. So thanks for confirming you can't get a stable 60fps on a 12600K and a RTX 4080 Oh my goodness, how embarrassing.
  3. You already know when you got caught lying. Stalling really isn't working for you. There's no point in you playing dumb. And once again...........I don't need to accommodate a liar. LOL, he keeps on thinking that he's in any position to demand anything from anybody.
  4. oh shit. I would love to find a physical copy of the first gravity Rush for PS4. I thought those were quite expensive.
  5. No, you already own a PS5, and most likely already owned an Xbox Series X. You're a fakeboy on this forum who wants to peddle this lie that the PC is delivering everything you want. It isn't. And you're too full of your own bullshit to admit it. Hence the fakeboy routine. Must be exhausting.
  6. almost every "hermit" on here was a bitter lemming that run and hid behind their PC. they're refugees.
  7. there was no discussion, because you attempted to lie. And then got caught lying. You have no credibility...........therefore I don't need to accommodate somebody with blown credibility. I love how he's trying to move the subject to another tangent. ............as I will now bring it back to the fact that he lost an argument with gouko about PC gaming being better than console gaming
  8. yeah, you did to be reminded that you were wrong, and I was right that there are many known glitches for the emulated game. thanks for admitting that I was right this entire time
  9. ..........and then he said he still has "trouble spots" that drop below 60fps I love how you keep on pretending to play stupid. Literally not meeting what you were CLAIMING.
  10. Nope......you don't get to lecture anybody. Since you've already been caught lying. Why don't you wiki "credibility" to learn why you don't have it.
  11. No, there has been no smooth sailing, as they are many known bugs. as of last week. I love how you pretended to not read the part that HE STILL CAN'T GET 60fps at all times. You have been caught lying.
  12. No it doesn't because it is still continually glitchy I'm now catching you LYING about a SECOND SUBJECT today. People with top of the line CPUs and GPUs still can't get consistent 60fps thoughout the game
  13. no it isn't............because I already caught you lying when you pretended you didn't know about it, then suddenly you did. You were lying, and got caught. Don't have any burden........because your word means nothing on this subject. So like I said. ............I............don't.........have...........to...............accommodate... ........a known liar.
  14. LOL no it doesn't fix the fact that its got plenty of stutters and other glitches. But...........since PC gaming is CURRENTLY THAT BAD, you're going to force yourself into playing a glitchy emulation for hours on end......while dinging through ini files. like the second-class citizen that you are.
  15. You can read your own posts, I imagine. There you can find where you have been changing your story, and your ever-changing memory. Sorry, stalling isn't going to help you. And like I said...........I don't need to accomodate a known liar who is already aware that they've been caught lying.
  16. you've already been caught lying. and you have credibility to assign homework to anybody. you're stalling.............you already that you're stalling, because you already know the argument you had with gouko and lost. You've changed your story about it, so many times.........because you've been lying this entire time. I don't have to accommodate a liar.
  17. he literally admitted that his stolen games that he's converting his PC to emulate a Switch are full of stutters. and he's digging into ini files, yet again. How do you not LOOK like an obvious second-class citizen?
  18. Stuttering video and audio. None of you actually play these games.........unless you're that desperate. Which, by the looks of it......it seems like you are. PC games are that bad, it seems.
  19. you need a citation to confirm that you're playing stupid? Sure, I can just cite your posts.
  20. [.....to try and stall from teh fact that you've already been caught lying] Sorry, you don't get the right to assign homework to anybody, since you already know. Playing stupid isn't going to help you at this point.
  21. yeah, that retort is definitely going to make your situation less embarassing, you having to convert it to a Switch, because you're that desperate to play an actual good game, that you resort to stealing. LOL
  22. Trying to get amnesia again. Yeah, that didn't work the first time. LOL stalling, all because he gets mad that I continually remind him of the argument he lost.
  23. ....to steal. And for you to take your $3000 hardware to convert it into a Switch, since you can't find games that good on the native software platforms for PC. Yeah, we know how desperate you are.
  24. No, go cry somewhere else. he already knows he had that argument with gouko and lost it. years ago. He's already been caught lying. .............like you get caught lying, on a regular basis.
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