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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Show us a pic of you signing out, and then another of you signing in.
  2. However................in Dynocrap's defense. HOW would he be able to tell the difference between a bricked Xbox One console, and a non-bricked one??????
  3. Let me know when Digital Foundry changes their opinion on Witcher 3 being a successful port to play in handheld mode. That trumps screenshots, every day. Once again.............you OMITTED, meaning you MIS-LED. That is 100% observable, and therefore, factual. You DID do that. You got caught. You're just going to have to deal with that. Try not to make such mistakes in the future, and there will be nothing to catch you on. You're Welcomed.
  4. This is what you're left to boast about? Your security engineers response time. That's no surprise, its not like MS employees have shit to do when it happens. LOL
  5. Microsoft is the one who makes system updates to the PS4???????? Jesus, he's right..............I am scared. Those guys know how to fuck a video game console up, bad.
  6. Microsoft was hoping nobody would notice.
  7. No. You didn't say anything except that the whole game looked ugly..........at least that what you were implying from your pictures and your "Yea.......no" tagline. You omitted Digital Foundry pretty much giving a recommendation to play this game in handheld mode. and that it was a success in handheld mode. I PROPERLY called out you omitting what. No speculation was needed...........because I posted what Digital Foundry said..........and we clearly saw that your post CONTAINED NONE OF THAT. Thank youYou've been corrected, yet again. So
  8. Its over.............he admitted it. I can't believe that he just straight up finally admitted it. He's truly been beaten down to nothing.
  9. you just posted a website that doesn't even spell the word "typing" correctly..... that was the BEST you could do? Oh man, its so sad that I have him trying to google search for ownage.
  10. Nope, that's what you're doing. You literally posted a video of it. Did you forget that?
  11. Yikes, you just ran away from your own thread. Yup, you trying to move over to text messages means you lost it. Of course I send text messages. That ain't the same as typing these posts, sweetie. Damn, you lost that one, as well.
  12. @Goukosan I just got this poor bastard to admit that NOT ONLY is the Note 10 better than the iPhone 11 that just came out two weeks ago. but that ALSO THE NOTE 9 is better than the iPhone 11. Holy shit..............I think that's ULTIMATE CHECKMATE
  13. He ran away from his last attempt. I love that he has decided that his BEST STRATEGY, is to pretend to play stupid and not understand what I typed. Then again, he may have had trouble because he's staring at a small screen. LOL he's pissed now, and he knows it. And again. Complete.
  14. Refer to the actual thread where iPhone LOSES in several tests. LOL, I love how you are not MIXING UP your butthurt from other threads
  15. Actually I'm responding to two of your posts. And each response was shorter than your current respond that I'm quoting right now. LOL
  16. Refer to the Note 10 beating the iPhone 11 in multiple performance tests, durability tests, and network speed tests. Thank you again for admitting defeat
  17. He's literally BEGGING me to look somewhere else, he's too embarassed to talk about his own subject. Beaten DOWN to the ground. Your topic change????????? I almost feel sorry for him at this point. Look, you can literally see his thumbs slowing down, his posts are getting shorter.
  18. He just ran away from his OWN THREAD SUBJECT..............a second time. I'm that good
  19. You were supposed to answer that, not me. Yikes..............you blew that one, and then tried to QUICKLY RUN AWAY to another topic. Thanks for admitting defeat.
  20. I'd gladly tell Gouko and anybody that has NO OTHER METHOD of typing on this forum, that if they're doing it PRIMARILY on their phone, then they are thumbing away like a 14 year old. Gouko will never............ever...........say that typing on this forum on a smartphone is his preferred method over a regular PC. You're pathetic in ways he can never be.
  21. No, it was that your upload hadn't finish uploading apparently, because after a certain time, I clicked it and it finally showed. ............it showed your pathetic video of you thumbing away like a 14 year old. Was that supposed to HELP YOUR ARGUMENT of you NOT LOOKING pathetic?????????
  22. I got a 8BITDO controller whenever I wanted to play classic games and arcade games on the Switch. Specifically this one: I think its compatible with both iOS and Android, along with Switch. The trick is that you have to press a series of buttons in order to do bluetooth signal for specific devices, and a different series of buttons in order to do connect via bluetooth on Switch, and once you do that, I think you have to press the power button on a certain of times so that it knows to power on as a Switch controller, or as an Android controller.
  23. Considering that your link goes to imgur's website and asks me to log in, and once I do all it does it takes me to my own images, and when I click the link again, it still asks me to login again.............apparently it was too hard for you to post a valid link. ah your upload FINALLY finished uploading. LOL I love that you are starting at a smartphone thumbing with your two thumbs...........like a teen girl. Its not about it being hard sweetie.............did I use the word HARD? Or did I use the word PATHETIC??????? You tell me.
  24. No, you stare at your phone thumbing on a small screen for hours on end, which is even worse. You're not going to convince anybody of anything different. LOL, even you undermined YOUR OWN argument..........you said that you have a laptop and PC, and you post on your phone as "adequate" I am straight up telling you that posting/typing in any meaningful way on the internet is SUPERIOR on the PC. And You Just Corroborated That
  25. Forza games are better looking if you don't have a memory that goes back 2 years.
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