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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. You basically just said that you need to pretend that the 9.5 score doesn't exist..............because you can't find an Apple Arcade game that matches that score. Thank you. This is the most direct response you've given.
  2. Sorry, the 9.5 applies, especially since multiplayer is possible on android, and not on iOS. Checkmate'd
  3. Neither on iOS. In fact, a Chucklefish developer released a multiplayer net-code add-on app...............on android Checkmate.
  4. It is. And that IGN review was for the 2018 content added on, which the android version has. So, no, its a recent review. This entire time, you've basically admitted that you can't argue against a 9.5 score........so you have effectively said that Apple Arcade doesn't have anything that reaches Stardew Valley's quality. And that's all I had asked, and you've now answered. Thank you.
  5. Nope. Its a 9.5 game. And you're telling me you can't find a 9.5 game on Apple Arcade. Thanks for telling me.
  6. I'm sorry, I don't really see what you're trying to achieve at this point. lol
  7. I'm excited to see where else your butthurt is going to pop up. Its like Detective Munch appearing in multiple cop dramas during the 90's.
  8. No, its a 9.5 game. You're just going to have to deal with that. And the way you have chosen to deal with it is by clearly insinuating that no Apple Arcade is that good. You've said as much, and I thank you.
  9. Thank you for basically saying that you must avoid the 9.5 score.............because Apple Arcade simply cannot match that. You've made it clear, and for that I thank you.
  10. The Switch is selling more in ONE week in the small island nation of Japan........than the Xbox One sells in the entire North America region in ONE MONTH????????? Good Lord.
  11. You're basically saying that you don't want to respond to that 9.5 question...........because you don't think there are any games on Apple Arcade that match it. So you've already answered the question, in a way. Thank you for finally coming around and admitting it.
  12. Sorry, Stardew Valley is a 9.5 game. Looks like you're saying that you want to forfeit the argument entirely and cannot answer the very first question that was asked to you from the very beginning. Thanks for being upfront about it.
  13. Its 9.5 Sorry.........we're not changing onto another subject. The thing that you have been asked about, from the very beginning.......you haven't provided the response. It seems like you have enough on your plate right now..........so you're gonna have to deal with that. Whining simply isn't a productive endeavor for you.
  14. Its 9.5 What's even sadder is that you have yet to show me an Apple arcade game that scores better than Stardew, and I've been asking for several days now. Really bad look.......for both you, and the service.
  15. That's not what you said. Since you can't name a single Apple Arcade game that scores as high as Stardew Valley's 9.5............you then proceeded to admit that among the very best that iOS and all smartphones has to offer......its just straight better to play it on a regular switch. ......that's really a damning indictment of smartphone gaming, as a whole. Give you alot of credit for making a bold proclamation about that.
  16. Damn, so you're admitting that even the very best games Apple has to offer, a 9.5 scoring Stardew Valley that, SEEMINGLY, not a single Apple arcade exclusive is as good as................is still just better to play it on Switch? Kind puts the whole smartphone gaming issue in perspective, doesn't it?
  17. Playing good 9.5 games? Well, I wouldn't really know unless a very good service at a very good value were to come up, like Google's Play Pass for $2/month for the first 12 months.
  18. Another attempt at a topic change.....how unexpected "You need to buy this iPhone, I still got 3 payments left on my '87 Dodge Dart!!"
  19. Its his choice to play sub-9.5 games. I don't hold that against him...........wouldn't be the only "sub" object he would be engaging in, either.
  20. So you don't know of any game that scored as high as a 9.5 Stardew Valley that he can get with Google Play Pass for just $2/month????????? That's too bad.
  21. I like how him changing the title is an admission from him that he lost and is L-I-V-I-D pissed. lol So how many times is that now? 5 times? "I go to the horseraces every day with a bottle of bourbon and a pistol as a last resort"
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