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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Is he trying to make that term stick? He must've learned it 10 minutes ago. Good for you, young man.
  2. Ouch, so at best, smartphone gaming meets the LOWEST forms of gaming on the Switch. That's...........embarrassing. And you just admitted that, plainly.
  3. I'd assign a unique classification for you, but those guys get butthurt in SPECIFIC ways. You.............well, you're prolific. You're a buffet of butthurt.
  4. .....of playing inferior games Yes, you've already said that 3 pages ago.
  5. You already said that smartphone simply doesn't compete with the Switch, like, 3 pages ago. You already gave up.
  6. On the other hand, I own the better gaming device. So, I might as well concentrate my smartphone in simply being the better smartphone, instead of trying to make it be something that will never be as good as the Switch or its games. That's called Specialization.
  7. No, it has access to even better games............from KNOWN reputable developers. You're a good Switch advocate.
  8. Following your lead, bro. You just said that, smartphone gaming as a whole, is still in such an inferior spot that a Switch version is still superior. Why do you think I reacted the way I did in those posts? That's a hell of a proclaimation to make, A "damning indictment" of smartphone gaming. GD needs to know such things.
  9. Surprised your iPhone doesn't do that already. I mean, that speedtest video clearly proved that its closing heavy gaming apps in the background if you have too many of them open.
  10. I'm pretty sure you imagining things to suit your purpose would make sense to you. Like Dave Chappelle says: "To what degree must I participate in your self-image?" You can continue Eastwood'ing with an empty chair......I don't mind the hassle.
  11. Probably because you don't have many apps on it. LOL Android, on the other hand...........give you the full picture. LOL, did this guy just try to boast about image compression Man, GD basically saying that iPhone doesn't offer much, so he's just sticking with the cheapo version that was re-marketed as the "standard" version.
  12. You brought up the switch, remember when we were talking about Stardew Valley? You smoke'd yourself. I even said that it was quite amazing that you just made a comment on smartphone gaming. Ties it together, perfectly.
  13. You were done a long time ago. Grown ups are having a conversation now.
  14. Nope, the basic basic basic iPhone 11 with 64GB cost $699. He upgraded it to 256GB (out of necessity, because its embarassing to claim you have a good camera while trying to get by on 64GB lol). That version is $850. AT&T is paying him money to buy the phone, hence the $450 in credits. Guess he determined that the bigger iPhones don't offer much other features over the basic model.
  15. You basically just said that you need to pretend that the 9.5 score doesn't exist..............because you can't find an Apple Arcade game that matches that score. Thank you. This is the most direct response you've given.
  16. Sorry, the 9.5 applies, especially since multiplayer is possible on android, and not on iOS. Checkmate'd
  17. Neither on iOS. In fact, a Chucklefish developer released a multiplayer net-code add-on app...............on android Checkmate.
  18. It is. And that IGN review was for the 2018 content added on, which the android version has. So, no, its a recent review. This entire time, you've basically admitted that you can't argue against a 9.5 score........so you have effectively said that Apple Arcade doesn't have anything that reaches Stardew Valley's quality. And that's all I had asked, and you've now answered. Thank you.
  19. Nope. Its a 9.5 game. And you're telling me you can't find a 9.5 game on Apple Arcade. Thanks for telling me.
  20. I'm sorry, I don't really see what you're trying to achieve at this point. lol
  21. I'm excited to see where else your butthurt is going to pop up. Its like Detective Munch appearing in multiple cop dramas during the 90's.
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