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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL......thank you for talking TO me instead of at me. [slow piano music plays]
  2. See, jonb sees the BRIGHT SIDE. Since MS didn't announce anything........he doesn't have to work on making a list..........he can just use last years!!!!!!!!!! "AA and up"
  3. Like that major japanese IP announcement for Xbox that was supposed to happen today? You refuse to acknowledge that Microsoft had a completely embarrassing press conference, even though everybody, including all but one other lemming, is clearly saying that they failed. I think its other people who have a problem with owning themselves.
  4. Holy shit.......Dynocrap just owned himself in a NEW way. You're right, BoTW engine is a new engine. Oh man, its like he's got a talent to say the worst possible thing that will self-own him. LOL
  5. It took them THREE YEARS to make a game engine? That's what you are saying? And, apparently, game engine programmers don't start working on a new game engine until the previous game is completed????? (Even though engine programmers are not the same people as the game designers who create the content, the scripting, etc.) He's just DIGGING THAT HOLE, more and more. He can't help himself.
  6. So your saying GamePass on Switch is a bigger piece of news than Microsoft doing anything for their OWN platform? Thanks for the admission. Oh man, can you imagine if something does get announced on Nintendo's E3 direct, how this post of yours is going to look like?
  7. This game has been content complete, its designed for Xbox One. Most if not all lemmings were expecting a 2019 date. They're holding the game back. They're trying to kill time by releasing Halo MCC on PC in piece-meal format. They could release the entire thing on PC within the first half of this year if they wanted to.
  8. Yup, he's not going to answer. The moment he posts anything about some guy with a twitter rumor..........his ass is going to get lit up. He's now realizing that it accounts for about 80% of his posts on here.
  9. So it Halo Infinite..........unless you think 343's development team is so incompetent that they needed 5 years to finish a Halo game? Is that your story?
  10. You just declared you will never base anything from an "insider" source ever again...........right? Yes or No? Stop crying about other stuff.
  11. I don't think I've ever seen such obvious projection within a short period of time as Dynocrap these past few hours. Exactly. I love it when Dynocraps OLD BULLSHIT ends up completely tripping up his NEW BULLSHIT. He specifically made it known that cross-gen games that started from the PREVIOUS console generation means that they are last-gen ports. That's how he argued Zelda BoTW. Nobody knows how to own Dynocrap better than Dynocrap himself. LOL
  12. LOL. This is what you are doing. You are effectively declaring to this ENTIRE FORUM.............you will never bring up rumor or gossip about ANYTHING video game related to any of the platforms and any game. Looks like you will never make comments that come from such sources. Thank you for committing to that. And by the way........it was Aaron Greenberg who said that the press conference would be "under two hours" and this is after last years 1hr 58m show. This is a pathetic attempt to try and discredit people on this board. The only
  13. Hell they showed off Gears Judgement, specifically because they had some new tech visuals. Their treating this release like a Bethesda game.
  14. Dude, if they let TWO of their former-Game of the Year nominated franchises turn into 7.0 scoring games....someone genuinely needs to get fired at Xbox Game Studios management. You don't let your most popular first-party franchises get that bad.
  15. Happy Ditchmass, everybody...........let's look under the tree for all those games we're going to m-
  16. Did they advertise it as 4K/60? Why would they ever advertise ANY Gears game at 60fps, when the series isn't known for that?
  17. Usually, when a conference is starting to look worrisome, I notice it about 45 minutes in. And with this one, its quite weird, I thought the pace was pretty good for the first hour, and I wasn't worried about it. I kept on thinking "okay they got one hour left, plenty of time for a Gears 5 ten-minute demo, possible a Forza announcement, and then they would go into xCloud with a demo, and then they would spend about 10 minutes talking about new Xbox hardware and how everything comes together with GamePass and xCloud, and then finish the show with Halo Infinity, detailing
  18. Yes......that type of chill pill. Thank you. One now..........and another one in the morning.
  19. Yikes, you desperate for ANY topic change huh?
  20. Am I in a soap opera right now? Do I need to buy you flowers or something?
  21. LOL he's getting more pissed. Wrestling? We were talking about wrestling? Don't get mad because Microsoft made an embarrassing showing. You talk shit for the other 364 days of the year, and you want everybody to stop talking about MS press conferences. Take a chill pill, my man.
  22. X-men Dark Phoenix is actually not a bad movie, its fairly solid. Its a fuckton better than the Apocalypse movie, and its probably on par with First Class, DoFP is easily a step better than any of those movies. Its got a simpler story, they don't in mindless action scenes, and its got a badass vintage X-men fight at the end.
  23. Little too late for you to try and impersonate me. LOL I am talking about you.
  24. ............More like Microsoft is throwing in Xbox-GamePass for free for $15, not the other way around. They introduced PC-GamePass in that press conference first, and gave it a $9.99 price tag. Platform-specific GamePass services are now possible. I love how you are trying to sneak in things that people did not say "claimed it would get announced at the MS conference"...........why would they announce a Nintendo GamePass at a Microsoft conference??????? LOL
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