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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. MS is talking about themselves as a "unifier". He's clearly talking about them putting their games/products as a third-party.
  2. This is embarassing, those MS exployees throwing up X's.
  3. They can't even get Ori out for this year???
  4. we can tell that the crowd are nothing but paid shills seeing as how they over-cheered for a trailer that already leaked and was underwhelming.
  5. Poor Obsidian, you can tell they didn't have that big of a budget for this Fallout-type of game.
  6. The most Nintendo-related product that Nintendo would allow on any Xbox platform would be games in which Nintendo and Rare have certain legal entanglements as to who has the rights to all the characters in a game. So, like Diddy King Racing would fit that description. Nintendo may own the rights to Diddy Kong, or partially own the rights (because Diddy Kong was created for the Donkey Kong Country series when Rare developed it), but Rare owns the Diddy Kong Racing IP. So a game can't be made with both of them having an agreement. And previous, that agreement is that Rare
  7. That's the type of schedule that EA or Ubisoft would have when they have products on multiple platforms that they need to help advertise. That schedule is reminiscent of what a third party would have to attend.
  8. So that means that Xbox-related news will be making an appearance at other press conferences. GamePass/xCloud is pretty much their third-party product.
  9. jehurey


    So what's the plan here? Post at the Discord forum? WHat's the link to that forum again? Or is somebody setting up a thread?. Try to include the best possible streaming link so that everybody can watch the information coming in at the same time. I'm probably going to watch the Giantbomb stream because I like seeing their reactions live.
  10. Dynocrap really is doing us a favor with these posts, they'll be very useful when another one of his predictions turn out completely wrong. Remember, Dynocrap has also told us that there is 0% chance of GamePass coming to switch. Want people to remember that he made that declaration before this press conference begins.
  11. They're putting Game Pass/xCloud on Switch. The least Nintendo could do to reciptrocate is to have Miyamoto walk out and wave and say a few nice words. "da-unke rrr-oooo fuh geeva yu gamm-serah!"
  12. Yeah, these sound like the type of presentation slides you see at an Apple press conference.
  13. This app is running in 32-bit, and apparently tech websites describe as being slow and a memory hog, but the app is probably intended to run of older computers. This specifically does NOT run on the UWP.
  14. the raptors have like 3 really thick, big athletic guys on the floor at any one time. I can understand Draymond Green taking of one of them, and the other guys trying to slow down the other one, but I don't think the Warriors have enough big bodies to stop the Raptors. And for a team of big guys, I notice the that the Raptors seemed to emphasize passing the ball quite a bit. Alot of nifty passes to get to a big guy near the rim. And then they have some good guys to drop 3s.
  15. that sounds great. I like how you don't over-reverb your lead guitar, its a fine line. It'd be cooler if you start adding gaps in between notes and letting notes hang a bit almost as if you intended to miss an in-between note, have each verse have a slightly different composition, it'd give it some complexity.
  16. The debut video of xCloud specifically says that they created server blades from XBox mainboards, and they clearly show an Xbox One S
  17. If its supposed to be exclusive to Microsoft platforms. .........remember they had this SAME exact type of agreement with Capcom...........for those Dead RIsing games. You think Capcom is going to assign one of their main studios for an Xbox exclusive? Not if they are making a game that they want to sell in Japan.
  18. I like it. The Warriors are losing in such a way that introduces quite a bit of doubt, and the rest of the West may start thinking their window is starting to close.
  19. It was a $30 game, because its a relatively short game that has limited scope in gameplay. And that took three years. That's a AAA game outside of its graphics and cutscenes, that's why people called it a movie-game.
  20. Aren't you being a little obtuse with that response? You know exactly what we mean when we ask "they're developing multiple projects"? We're not talking about one game currently in production, and another one merely in the planning phases. The implication is whether Ninja Theory has the manpower to be in full production for two games at the same time. We have yet to have any proof that do this, because they've only released games one at a time, in intervals of several years. If the "other game" is more than two years away, then it sorta becomes an empty ga
  21. i like how he's not sure whether or not to be butthurt........so he naturally defaults to being butthurt.
  22. I think lemmings will appreciate this leaking ahead of time instead of everybody seeing it for the first time during the E3 conference and reacting at the same time. But, with every one of these underwhelming leaks, there's always a "but they got something else!" defense. Which is trading current expectations for HIGHER expectations for later. And if those later expectations don't payoff, its like ponzi scheme finally collapsing.
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