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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. the amount of OTHER arguments that lemmings need to make in order to portray Microsoft as "not-failing" is fun to watch. On the flip side, electronics retailer Best Buy has been a stock market darling and overperforming wall street estimates. So, between them, Walmart and Amazon, retail video games will have plenty of homes for quite a while.
  2. talk about getting sssssssssssssssmoke'd
  3. Trying to play dumb now after you clearly said that black people are stupid. "We all know they don't" Now that's a total generalization of an entire race that just made. @Remij_
  4. No.........I said mass shootings. You are the one who established the 6-to-1 ratio between white population and black population and have been continually losing. Time to accept the hard truth. Its one based on pure data, and not speculation. Thanks for playing.
  5. So...........you just called black people stupid. Nice racist remark you just made there. @Cookester15
  6. If black people make up about 10% or less, then your claim just failed. Thank you. I love how you continually do not think ahead. LOL
  7. No it isn't. The FBI classifies mass shooting as 4 or more people getting shot. That's not Vox's definition. Once again............you tried to discredit basic facts, and you lose. Of course, that's also the reason why you try to avoid acknowledging that white people are the biggest mass shooters in America.
  8. SO you think those mass shooting incidents are "fake news" ? I love it when we reach the inevitable end of alt-right'ers arguments. It usually ends with them just rejecting information wholesale.
  9. No......you didn't confirm anything. You were saying that sarcastically, but were too cowardly to have a real response to prove me wrong. Like I said let me know when you do. but I guess you have ended your conversation with me after I pointed out that you just admitting arguing with me just because you're bitter at me. Probably a good choice.
  10. There's been a mass shooting every single week in America. Even Obama mentioned it in one of his last speeches. https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence Yeah.........I'm pretty sure there's going to be enough white guys to reach that 18 mark, and beyond. Thanks for playing. LOL
  11. Oh, so you not actually "arguing the argument" You just arguing me because its me????????? Was that supposed to make you look less bitter?
  12. You had to go back to 2013 to find the last time a black guy committed a mass shooting? Thanks for proving me right. If its MORE THAN SIX white people causing mass shootings..........you lose. You're the one who established 6 at the qualifier. Thanks for playing. White people are more likely to cause mass shootings than anybody else, even BEYOND THEIR PERCENTAGE of the population. Wow. Thanks for admitting that.
  13. Yes you did. What are you talking about there, in those two posts. Seems like you have something to say..........it seems like you think I'm wrong. There has to be reasons and logic behind that........which means you SHOULD have a counterpoint in your ole noggin' somewhere. but hey.........it you're too scared to say what you think, I'm not going to pressure you.
  14. So how many white people mass shooting since the previous time a black person was responsible for a mass shooting. Is it more than six? because if it is, your entire claim just fell apart. it may actually be that white people are responsible for 90% or more of mass shootings between them and blacks. Which means white people are actually going OVER their proportion of the population. You just got caught being racist again...............that's not my fault, that's your shortcoming. You can't get better until you acknowledge some hard truths.
  15. Nope, you don't have any response to why you think the next 4K Xbox will sell better than the XBX. Listed no reasons whatsoever. Like I said.........let me know when you have an actual counterpoint. Until then, you can keep on sitting there sounding bitter.
  16. No, its not. We know who are the people who design Playstation's hardware...........they were informed on this in the slightest. It is easy to determine that it was a back-end deal that saves them money. If they were motivated about the future of their gaming division, how were they magically able to get Microsoft to buy into their "imaging AI tech" at the same time? Sony is a getting a discount on some server space, and in return they got to sell some products from their Imaging division that they probably needed to get rid of anyway, I don't se
  17. No, it isn't. Your speculation about black people isn't anybody's standard of truth. Let me know when you can acknowledge white people being responsible for most US mass shootings. I like keeping count how many times you avoid this because you're racist.
  18. Sounds like you don't have a response. Let me know when you do.
  19. Now your whittling down your argument. I already said that its probably a lateral move for PS Now. And that move is merely Sony getting a cheaper deal for server space. That's why the PS hardware team doesn't have to know about it, because its a change in facilities to provide something that they already have. It'd be like Sony changing from using TSMC to manufacture the PS5 CPU/GPU to using Global Foundries to manufacture the same exact CPU/GPU. If both fabs have the same ability to process the same type of chip, then upper level Sony execs would try to neg
  20. I'd say that the PS5 controller does split up, however, that is not the full VR controller, the PS5 controller would be plugged into a housing that has additional sensors, finger detection sensors, those rings around it to protect your hand, and some straps that hold the controller in your hand without you needing to grip it. And then when you're done with VR, you just take the PS5 controller halves out of that VR add-on and combine the PS5 controller back together. Wouldn't surprise me if the PS5 controller had ergonomic changes so that it could fit better in that VR s
  21. Except not for mass shootings. That's white-people's forte. If you want to be truthful, then you would also need to acknowledge that.
  22. You're literally making another SEMANTICS argument. Oh really..............they were "stunned"? I guess the use of that single adjective proves your entire theory Sony executives bothered to not even speak to their team that created the most successful PS console since the PS2, because they knew better about the future of video games. Yes....that makes perfect sense. LOL
  23. LOL this guy thinks Sony goes around trying to be different than the Xbox? Sony isn't being anything other than themselves, if anything they've re-captured their PS2-era mojo. Sony doesn't have to change their gameplan at all, because it is working about as well as it has ever been. Days Gone selling remarkably well is a sign that they are over-achieving.
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