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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Pretty sure that means a cross-gen game that works for both PS4 and PS5 could have a multiplayer, and the multiplayer will work across people on both consoles. So, let's say TLOU2 has online multiplayer, the person playing on the PS5 can team up with the person playing on the PS4. Wow...........Dynocrap managed to fail again at understanding the most basic things. Didn't Dynocrap come up with some theory by reading a Sony patent about the console streaming out to other devices and say something like "wait a minute.........is Sony secretly making a bot-net se
  2. Oh, so they're clearly saying that they are the ones requesting others?
  3. Are people now trying to ret-con what was promised with the cloud and Crackdown 3? From the beginning they said that "the cloud" would be how they gain a power advantage over your Xbox games. They had no real demonstration of this. Supposedly Titanfall 1 was supposed to have the cloud do amazing things. It was just a fancy way of describing a dedicated server. And then Crackdown 3 was supposed to have super amounts of physics: It clearly didn't, and it wasn't even close. And that was for one online multiplayer mo
  4. Chernobyl finale decides to have one of the best courtroom scenes and flashback storytelling that I've seen in quite some time. Not only that, but they do a remarkable job explaining it in layman's terms how that reactor exploded. With very basic visuals. You know in those movies based on true stories, at the end they do like a text explanation of what happened of those people and whatever resulting events occurred after, usually showing real-life photos and video of the people. Chernobyl easily........EASILY has best one of those sequences ever, and its epic. It ends o
  5. Really? When are they going to get around to doing it?
  6. they're trying to sell it so hard. think about it.................its barely fucking Tuesday. you can only imagine just what they'll be trying to peddle by the end of the week. They're in for a loooooooooong week.
  7. I like how they try so hard to act confident and jovial.........and no one is remotely buying it. Its kind of tough to sell the rest of us that Microsoft is "taking over" by becoming the world's greats................friend's list integration app. I don't think anybody was competing in that race. LOL
  8. Microsoft is literally bending over backwards to try and give the competitors the only thing that they do well. That's all fine and dandy..............but we're not paying money for it. It'd be great if Microsoft just adds gamer achievements for Nintendo games, they'd cheapen the entire system overnight. The great part is going to see lemmings try to peddle the narrative that Nintendo and Sony CAME TO Microsoft to beg for this. Or "Hehehe.....clever Microsoft.......they're sneaking in underneath their noses and SOON, they're take over!!!"
  9. Wait a minute, did Dynocrap try to peddle the WItcher 3 again as proof of digital sales overcoming physical sales, and hope we don't notice how those stats are exclusively skewed because all PC sales are digital, by default? He's trying that again.............for the THIRD time?
  10. Especially after he got completely bodied in that white guys being the leading mass shooters discussion....that sentence cannot be overstated enough. The guy is literally like a 5 year old trying to read an Excel spreadsheet.
  11. Sony and Nintendo games will be on proper store shelves. Microsoft is going to be on the spinning thing where they used to sell sunglasses and pamphlets on.
  12. LOL, he claims he's an expert about the future of video games because he lives in a city that had gaming companies???????? That's like saying somebody is a total expert in rock music because they live in Cleveland.
  13. the amount of OTHER arguments that lemmings need to make in order to portray Microsoft as "not-failing" is fun to watch. On the flip side, electronics retailer Best Buy has been a stock market darling and overperforming wall street estimates. So, between them, Walmart and Amazon, retail video games will have plenty of homes for quite a while.
  14. talk about getting sssssssssssssssmoke'd
  15. Trying to play dumb now after you clearly said that black people are stupid. "We all know they don't" Now that's a total generalization of an entire race that just made. @Remij_
  16. No.........I said mass shootings. You are the one who established the 6-to-1 ratio between white population and black population and have been continually losing. Time to accept the hard truth. Its one based on pure data, and not speculation. Thanks for playing.
  17. So...........you just called black people stupid. Nice racist remark you just made there. @Cookester15
  18. If black people make up about 10% or less, then your claim just failed. Thank you. I love how you continually do not think ahead. LOL
  19. No it isn't. The FBI classifies mass shooting as 4 or more people getting shot. That's not Vox's definition. Once again............you tried to discredit basic facts, and you lose. Of course, that's also the reason why you try to avoid acknowledging that white people are the biggest mass shooters in America.
  20. SO you think those mass shooting incidents are "fake news" ? I love it when we reach the inevitable end of alt-right'ers arguments. It usually ends with them just rejecting information wholesale.
  21. No......you didn't confirm anything. You were saying that sarcastically, but were too cowardly to have a real response to prove me wrong. Like I said let me know when you do. but I guess you have ended your conversation with me after I pointed out that you just admitting arguing with me just because you're bitter at me. Probably a good choice.
  22. There's been a mass shooting every single week in America. Even Obama mentioned it in one of his last speeches. https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence Yeah.........I'm pretty sure there's going to be enough white guys to reach that 18 mark, and beyond. Thanks for playing. LOL
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